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Search results for query: *

  1. drakensis

    One Rabid Fox changes the Succession Wars [A Battletech Isekai]

    I usually find that about 5,000-7,000 words works for a chapter, but I write longer scenes than you do. For me that averages 3 scenes. My own criticism is that not much seems to happen in the scenes. I don't get a sense that we've gone from a starting point to an end point. There's no...
  2. drakensis

    One Rabid Fox changes the Succession Wars [A Battletech Isekai]

    A Charger with the engine of a Centurion 'mech wouldn't even be as fast as an Atlas - it's a 200 SFE in a 80 ton machine, so walking speed of 2.5. A Centurion fighter's fusion turbine has the right rating - 240 - but it's a turbine not a reactor so it's debateable if that's much use in a 'mech...
  3. drakensis

    One Rabid Fox changes the Succession Wars [A Battletech Isekai]

    Ah, but Kallon would face an insurmountable problem in producing the Crusader in the Federated Suns. The AFFS staring at the plans and then asking "Okay, smart guy. Where's the autocannon!?"
  4. drakensis

    One Rabid Fox changes the Succession Wars [A Battletech Isekai]

    My 'standard 240 mafia' for mechs is a: 30 ton 'super locust' 40 ton 'PPC Clint' 60 ton 'slimmer Katapult' 80 ton 'Awesome' basically the same engine and gyro, same weapons (PPC and medium laser), same electronics... This can then be extended to 80 ton tracked vehicles and 65 ton wheeled...