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  1. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    Thanks ! i still do not pity those bandits - but want to see what happened to them after they try something evil to wrong person.
  2. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    Thanks ! i hope,that they manage to talk,and get some peauciful agreement. The same.It was boring,when they just keep winning. Which panel? but, i almost pity those bandidt now.Well,considering that they are bandits stupid enough to work for dudes who murder them later - maybe not.
  3. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    I like it.Everybody is still confused what is going on,but Remilia decide that she is bored,so she would take down local crime syndicate waiting for Yukari.Seems like her. P.S Who is taking centipede?
  4. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    As long,as you continue,i could wait for next chapter.
  5. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    Well,Ainz is smart to not fight her,but could propose food,and exchange informations about new world.
  6. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    Elder Coffin is right,that players hubris usually kill them - but here,Overlord is not average player. And Sebas&Koishi babies when ? it is QQ after all!
  7. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    Good chapter,and Cirno as Vivian daughter - very interesting. And Renko get undead fan.Would she survive his attention?
  8. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    It would be funy,if somebody in Gensyoko knew about game which Ainz used before he become Owerlord - but highly unlikely. Maybe...Ainz in Japan reading once about Touhou,and knowing sometching,but not much?
  9. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    Poor frogs.But - they could meet frenchman,so Cirno is better fate !
  10. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    Cirno almost died,so she must become Lizardmen goddess to survive.And now must fight Overlord. Poor kawaii girl.
  11. The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

    Well,Yuuka always was strong,but smart enough to not care about unimportant things.Like everytching except her field.