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  1. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 8

    Crossing the gorge turned out to be far from the hassle-free journey Baldur had anticipated. As they approached the bridge, a chaotic scene unfolded before their eyes. A fierce battle raged between the Free Folk and the southern Crows, with the former clearly on the losing end. Arson tensed...
  2. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 7

    The journey back to base was a relatively uneventful one for Baldur, the demigod's steps guided by a mixture of caution and anticipation. However, the tranquility of the night was shattered by an inexplicable disturbance that plagued Baldur's shields. In the cover of darkness, the assaults began...
  3. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)

    Thank you for your input, and you are exactly right. Baldur is content to just tinker away all day. I understand how...unlikeable he is. It wasn't my intention to keep him like this, I'm just trying to figure out exactly what would be the catalyst for his change. Hopefully this next chapter...
  4. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 6

    As Baldur ventured deeper into the barrow, he couldn't help but reflect on what he thought was excessive caution. Perhaps it was the months spent navigating the treacherous Labyrinth or the fact that these passageways were designed for mortal adventurers, but everything seemed surprisingly...
  5. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 5

    Three-Eyed Crow POV Brynden, now bearing the title of The Three-Eyed Crow, found himself confronted with an enigma. A young man named Baldur, a member of the Free Folk, had undergone a remarkable transformation in the past few months. Change was a natural part of life, but the manner in which...
  6. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 4

    Baldur continued his northward journey, his swift pace accompanied by the soft crunch of snow beneath his feet. As he traveled, his attention alternated between his surroundings and the small clockwork gear he was meticulously working on. Filing down the gear teeth, Baldur prepared the surface...
  7. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)

    The wildling attempted to break it off at the connector so he could take the boiler since it was generating heat. Basically they got greedy. I understand that the Lernaean Hydra did not breathe fire and I want to clarify that it was not the Lernaean Hydra that killed James. I sorta drew...
  8. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3

    A warm smile spread across Baldur's face as he closed the weathered leather-bound book. Determining the age of the tome had presented a slight challenge, but it was evident to Baldur that the runes inscribed on its pages were relatively recent. Jora, his trusted worker, had never encountered...
  9. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)

    It is supposed to be Bone Steel. Thanks for catching that. I will fix it when I can
  10. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)

    That’s Baldur’s current guess.
  11. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)

    Baldur is in no way connected to any of the gods in this world. His divinity comes from his father and the Greek pantheon.
  12. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2

    "Keep going!" Baldur let out a sigh as he commanded his three workers. They were currently in the mines, toiling away to gather iron for him. At first, they had been resistant, but after a week of being beaten within an inch of their lives, they began to straighten up. During that time, Baldur...
  13. A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    What happens when a son of Hephaestus is dropped north of the wall in the lands of forever winter? Life was miserable, thought James, or rather Baldur, as he preferred to be called now. Why would people willingly choose to live in a place covered in snow all year round? The cold was...