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Search results for query: *

  1. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Red Queen Red Queen! Protect the puppies :3
  2. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Murphy thinks it’s smells like bitch in here!!! ”No not you, you just smell of puppies” Can’t wait to see it all fall sideways. Maybe Hat lady will make a point out of it, to not to fuck with her interests.
  3. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    At least Amy will know exactly how Cassie feels as a younger sister figure who won’t have reciprocated feelings from an older sister. Now she just needs to set her up with a superhero somewhere to complete the circle. Or raise the possibility of power assisted cosmetic surgery to make things...
  4. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Not what people normally associate with a fender bender. But I guess having a fender bent around you achieves the the same end state. Go GG!! I cannot wait for Parians animated string conspiracy / shipping board!!
  5. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Nooo!!! I’m a good girl I promise! I only happen to look like the evil little sister of Alexandria! I just associate with bad guys!!! Poor Vicky couldn’t even stop the next useless lesbian from falling into the orbit of the “golden hearted” band of crooks.
  6. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Oopsie woopsie. We may have declared an existential gang war…. Poor Vicky is going to spend her life playing professional cat herder.
  7. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Oh! Your Skitter is evolving!! Shes turned into…. Warlord Skitter!!! Be very afraid.
  8. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Cauldrons been putting drugs in the water to turn the friggin capes gay!! It’s all there on my podcast!!! Buy my brute power supplements!!!
  9. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    That sounds remarkably like “meh I can take her”! Lemme grab my popcorn. Now the questions isn’t whether they could beat Taylor. (They can’t) The question is if Taylor can stop them without having to drop the masquerade. If she can do a Neo fight style scene of knowing where they are and...
  10. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Translated to big brother speak. “kill him just enough that he survives” Fortunately that leaves a lot of wiggle room. For the love of Scion, someone put Taylor up on stage in a long slinky black dress. And pre warn the janitors to bring a bucket and a mop for Lisa and Vicky.
  11. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    It’s fine. David’s just a lightweight. No biggie. Of course, a tradesperson who’s dangerously underweight and can’t hold his booze. Makes total sense. I’ve met loads of them….
  12. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Warlord Taylor was capable of slaying Coil and spitting on the corpse. Thankfully this Taylor still has some innocence and conscience to spend. Unfortunately that means this is going to be hitting her hard. Hopefully her girls can help get her through this. Although if she shuts down and...
  13. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    And I’m sure that’s the last we’ll ever hear of that. No way for a dark secret to come up again :p It makes sense, but Lisa must be undeserving of that thinker rating if she thinks that will hold forever. Or maybe she plans for just long enough that it’s not so fresh a hurt.
  14. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    “Don’t do it Vicky! She’s only trying to get a rise out of you!” ”She’s not got quite the right anatomy for that dear, but you’re on the right track ;) “ *grrr* *coffee cup crush* Also on less cute news, operation anti-ouroboros is a go! Can’t wait for Coil to cap Skitter in the...
  15. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Would have had big “Superman IV: the quest for peace” energy. Even if it would have been hilarious. Coil better hope that she just finds him quickly and ends him quickly. Because the other alternative I see spiralling completely out of control is both blondes being kidnapped and threatened...
  16. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    There must be some way to weaponise this girls self delusion. The concentrated force of it should be able to bitch slap Zion straight back out of the Milky Way. It was all kinds of cute that shaper went “oh puppy :3” I can’t wait for her to get her hands on Brutus & co when they’re all amped...
  17. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    “Kidnapped the most important girl in the world?!” “Nah, this is just Riley, she’s good with living things” Somewhere Contessa’s path had her bang her head into a wall and not question it. And Jack Slash sneezed.
  18. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    “What’s the chance of me dying by being torn in half and those two halves being fed to an angry swarm of wasps?” Yes, I know it’s a specific question! But it needs a specific answer!!!
  19. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    Oh Taylor, for someone with effective omniscience, you really do miss a lot. Or maybe it’s just a sad inditement of her home life that anything is better than the Hebert household. Taylor: “I would rather fight Lung again” Rest or the Dallon household “…………” Amy “I understand”
  20. My Girlfriend Is Terrifying [Worm Au][Taylor x Victoria x Lisa]

    But she didn’t tell me you were this level of crazy!