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Search results for query: *

  1. FireWalkWithMe99

    Flapping Wings of Avarice (Harry Potter/Re:Zero)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3: Beyond Sanity

    Luna I Luna often found herself drawn to the peculiar and arcane, an odd sort of solace in things others might shy away from. The presence of the mysterious woman, Echidna, therefore, ignite a wondrous flame rather than fear in her heart. The lesser known always held such beauty in this world...
  2. FireWalkWithMe99

    Flapping Wings of Avarice (Harry Potter/Re:Zero)

    I fixed the double introduction as for Luna talking about Wrackspurt and Nargles first i did that on purpose… it was supposed to come across as odd on purpose. You think itd work better else where? yea i posted this to SV and some other sites awhile back. Just joined this site recently. Gonna...
  3. FireWalkWithMe99

    Flapping Wings of Avarice (Harry Potter/Re:Zero)

    What could go wrong, other than everything :p
  4. FireWalkWithMe99

    Flapping Wings of Avarice (Harry Potter/Re:Zero)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2: The Woman worried about everything

    Echidna II Echidna read the article with growing interest, her eyes skimming across the page as she absorbed the words. The more she read, the more her curiosity was piqued. With a closer look, and feel. She couldn't help but notice the magic energies woven into the paper, the way the words...
  5. FireWalkWithMe99

    Flapping Wings of Avarice (Harry Potter/Re:Zero)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: There was a Woman, All by herself

    Flapping Wings of Avarice -The Witch of Greed bled avarice in the wake of her yearning.- ECHIDNA I The preservation chamber was equipped with Od detection capabilities bound within the magic circle created for the continued preservation of herself and the graveyard. So she would be...
  6. FireWalkWithMe99

    Flapping Wings of Avarice (Harry Potter/Re:Zero)

    Echidna, always had a handful of desires. The desire of Knowledge to learn and understand, To save and the desire to find more unknown to her, these desires were a ways ahead of her desire to live again though it seemed she would get all these desires met in the most unexpected of ways. A way...