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Search results for query: *

  1. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Not My City: II

    A/N: Damn this got long. I ended up writing a major part of this. Anyway, I know I have several different fics/stories up in the air, but let me know if peeps are interesting in seeing where this one would go. I left my territory without a word. Charlotte and the children were still asleep...
  2. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Not My City: I

    A/N: So instead of working on the myriad of projects I already have. I let the plot bunnies win and spent the last two days working on this. This is chapter 1. I already got 4.5K words of chapter 2 written up which Ill either post later today or whenever. After that, I guess we'll see. This...
  3. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Frightful Attractions

    A/N: Hey look. This thread isn't dead, yet. Here's a silly lil idea I had to write down. There was another scene to it but Im too lazy to write it. So maybe it'll get a squeal bit later. Also, a shout out to Terramancer and Scapegrace from the Earth Vav server, who added lines to my original...
  4. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Impfomation

    Tattletale scanned through the documents on her computer. Various printouts, scans and reports filled her desk, and she leafed through the ones that had been placed face down to her left, checking for any details she might have missed. Even with powers like hers, information gathering meant long...
  5. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Skitter Hears All

    A/N: Had this silly idea in my head and wrote it in the discord. It's a lil spicy, idk if it's allowed here. (I aint posting on the SB thread) But nothing too crazy. "Watch yourself, Hebert!" Sophia shoulder-checked Taylor as she always did in the halls of Winslow. Another day in this...
  6. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Pulled Over

    A/N: Wrote this on my phone today. Enjoy! Officer Micheal turned off his siren and steps out of the car. Another routine pullover in the ever-busy city. The vehicle he pulled over wasn't speeding, but it did have a broken tail light and Michael needed to reach his ticket quota for this...
  7. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: True To Her Feelings

    A/N: I had this idea for some.... smugbug... yes... some canon-accurate smugbug. "Taylor? Can I ask you something?" Lisa asked, moving slowly towards her friend. Taylor looked up from her book, and took her time before replying, "Yeah, sure." "We're friends, right?" Taylor didn't know how...
  8. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Rachel's Request

    A/N: A silly lil idea I came up with in discord. Enjoy some borderline WolfSpider Rachel ran alongside her dogs, who were free from their leashes. They knew not to run ahead or lag behind, so they stuck by her side and stayed within sight. Rachel ran the same route each morning with minor...
  9. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: The Mosquito

    A/N: Wrote this in short form on my discord. Just a lil joke thingo. Enjoy. Rachel let out a chuckle. Really more of a snort, but it was enough to get Lisa's attention. She turned from her position on the couch to look at the butch girl, stumbling from her bedroom with her hair twice as messy...
  10. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: A scene from Infestation 11.5, mildly edited by yours truly

    A/N: A secret early draft of a scene from Infestation 11.5 before John C. 'Wildbow-Wibbles' McCrae got a little too worried that Taylor wasn't 100% straight. Thankfully he edited the original scene down and made it completely heterosexual. I kid. but seriously tho, who 'obediently' opens their...
  11. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: A Lazy Day

    A/N: Been in a bit of a creative writing slump this week. So I made myself write this little snip instead of working on the handful of other projects I need to do. Enjoy a bit of casual smugbug. Lisa groaned into her palm as she rubbed her forehead. The headache that had been building...
  12. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Wallflower

    A/N: This is chapter one of a new fic I'm starting on Ao3. Future chapters will be a tad spicy but this one is fine. Alt AU, College-aged Taylor and Co. No Power Taylor (Everyone else is canon powers) Emma and Taylor are still friends. Smugbug focus. "Oh what about her, she looks cute, right?"...
  13. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: The Dark Knight

    A/N: Based on the titles namesake. I thought this little scene would fit perfectly if you replaced Batman and Superman with Skitter and Alexandria. Had the scene stuck in my head, so I needed to write it out. Enjoy. Also, I guess this is a prequel to the "Nowhere else to go" Snippet I wrote...
  14. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: How To Get Stronger

    A/N: “Turn over, ginger bitch,” The woman yelled as she kicked Emma in the ribs. Emma couldn’t even struggle, rolling over onto her stomach and whimpering to herself. “Hey, Yan!” The woman yelled as she held a foot down on Emma’s back. “What about this one? Stick her in one of the farms and...
  15. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Thoughts of a caring centipede

    A/N: Wrote this on my phone. Just a little story about Cenpai from SinC. Spoiler warning for SinC, and if you haven't read it, then im sure this would make no sense to you. I was given a single command; companionship. I do my job, I follow my orders. She calls me Cenpai, i call her...
  16. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: The Fly

    Lisa sat at her desk, completely engrossed in her work. The soft glow of the afternoon sun cast a warm light through to the Undersider's base. It was a lazy weekend for the team, as no major jobs were currently in the work. Brian was out on a shopping trip, and Alec was somewhere in his room...
  17. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Nowhere Else To Go

    A/N: So I wanted to write this trope. I've been picking at this snippet for a while now. Idk if I can be bothered turning it into a full fic, but consider this chapter 1 of ?. Also don't know if its works having the flashbacks or if it makes reading a bit too confusing. Anyway I tried writing...
  18. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: The Interview

    A/N: Had this silly idea in my head all day and just had to get it written down. There's also some light smugbug, mainly near the end. It's not explicitly stated but that's the intent for anyone who cares about it. Business was booming in Brockton Bay. Coil's empire was dismantled, his assets...
  19. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: The Mugging Attempt

    A/N: Wrote this little snippet on my phone while at work. Amy runs into a mugger, Rachel is there too because I like pairing them. Might use this in 'My Girlfriend Is Terrifying" later down the line. Who knows. Amy stared at the knife that waved in front of her face, then at the man who wielded...
  20. Gowonzu

    Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Sophia's New Friend

    A/N: Was honestly, just planning to give a quick 100 word summary of a possible happy ending and this this happened. So enjoy a direct sequel to the last story. Sophia dived into action. She didn't even think about what she needed to do. She'd been briefed on the Slaughterhouse Nine enough to...