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Search results for query: *

  1. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    Freaky Friday but with spiders edition! Gotta say, this was not what I expected. But I dig the concept. Doubtful that either of them can keep this particular charade going for more than 5 mins. But we'll see. Poor Aleph Taylor is going to be in for a serious trial by fire if any of...
  2. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    Nega verse Skitter. But this time she’s a good guy! Interesting to have Skitter herself be her first point of contact. Was kinda hoping for a Taylor / Lisa who the fuck are you moment when one goes for a hug. But instead we get to see a two black widows stuck in the same boot kind of fight...
  3. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    I know Taylor is sheltered and socially stunted. But can someone please explain the concept of love bites to her properly.
  4. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    Ack! My heart. It can’t take it. x3 Im now picturing poor Battery and Victoria getting their V days ruined by Undersiders interrupt. :( And their poor Beaus who probably suffered even worse :V Browbeat wishes they never saw them and every one is considering hiring Phir-se to fix it. (Except...
  5. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    A Taylor who doesn’t have every bit of every space and every person mapped out in a real time panopticon? Of course she’s gonna bump into random shit! That will have such an impact on her body language and bearing and everything else! Although she’s got less of a reason to always be...
  6. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    And that’s how you cement a reputation.
  7. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    Cute. Now all we need is a high tension situation where Brian and get to pass on a message and they cannot :p
  8. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Now. Where the F are the rest of the 9… because both the Siberian and Jack are going to want payback, and this Taylor is lacking the range required to ice the good doctor before his puppet eats her. Cool story though. I just wish Riley had a little...
  9. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    Well that’s not fucking good… What the hell did Taylor do to pull the S9 down on her head? For no one else to have noticed it already…. Thinker / Tinker working online? Helping the destitute or righting miscarriages of justice? They generally hit either people trying to save the world, or...
  10. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    I feel like there’s a very obvious crossover I’m completely missing…. But without resorting to google, I have absolutely no idea who this is.
  11. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    But seriously. Very cute. Not sure what part of a smug bug relationship this is supposed to be occurring at though. I get the impression it’s just the start of them realising feelings. But they’re sharing a room…. Confusing. But maybe I just need more coffee to interpret this.
  12. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    What’s the opposite of an Oedipus complex? Cuz I’m pretty sure that’s what is going on here.
  13. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    A date where the only purpose is to sleep together?? How LEWD!! Very cute. Pet the sleepy raccoon.
  14. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    But it would be funny though! Up until Emma actually breaks down. But hey. Maybe she gets powers out of it? Everyone goes home happy? Especially the therapists!
  15. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    Browbeat? They were very endearing…. No? Hmmmm…… I wonder.