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Search results for query: *

  1. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    For some reason I read that as Sting and immediately thought of him in his role as Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. I may have a weird mind. [X] Set up camp and then go panda bear hunting? -[X] To avoid the most damage to the fur, breaking their necks would the most expedient. That's an opportunity to...
  2. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    [X] Ginrei Energy Incorporated Investigation. [C rank] IT'S THE MOLE PEOPLE! THE MOLE PEOPLE I TELL YOU!
  3. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    Very nice to see this going again, I was kind of sad when it appeared to be dead (but only sleeping instead). EDIT: And I forgot to put the vote in. [X] Go home after the shower and your clothes are clean. Time to face the music.
  4. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    [X] Stay and talk with the others, to get a picture of what they remembered. Not avoiding the music... really. Truly, we just want to know what happened.
  5. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    Sounds like a fine name. Here is a slightly paraphrased motto taken from Transformers Prime: "The Wrecking Crew does not call for backup, we call for cleanup!" [X] Accept invitation to go to Sasuke's home. No adults there, you can clean up with the others. For maximum awkwardness.
  6. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    Plaid away!:p
  7. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    [X] Surrender and wait for your friends to wake up with the ANBU commander. Time to face the music. There is no point in fighting or running in this case.
  8. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    Oh right, Naruto is female here. Have to remember that.
  9. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    [X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate. There goes the NaruHina ships I guess :P.
  10. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    [X] Hang out with your friends...
  11. ZiPeppe

    Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

    [X] Take your time with the written portion, no need to make mistakes in haste.