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Search results for query: *

  1. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

    I was wondering why the spell checker said that was wrong. I blame the cold.
  2. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 20

    Since I was no longer as concerned about hiding my powers from Gram - at least, not entirely - getting up to the fire escape was easy enough. The last ten feet or so required a ladder to be lowered, which was easily solved by pulling a rusted lever loose. The riskiest part of the whole thing was...
  3. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 19

    I fumbled the phone to my ear and mumbled the groggiest of hellos. “Danny, please tell me ya know somewhere uptown I can hide out!” Sherrel. The voice on the other end of the line was Sherrel. I looked down at my phone and realized that I’d picked up dad’s by mistake. Given that they were...
  4. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

    I'm taking a bit of artistic liberty. Here's the passage I was thinking about: In the surrounding text, she doesn't really swing, but I can't see how she'd get away with it otherwise. I think Wildbow might have forgotten exactly how wide streets are and how hard it is to walk a tightrope.
  5. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 18

    I whooped in pure joy as the RailCycle did yet another rail change to avoid an oncoming subway car. We were blazing through the subway system at incredible speeds with me riding behind Hardback. If I couldn’t cling to things, it would have been a bit awkward, but as it was, I found the ride...
  6. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

    Is it silly? Yes. Is it canon? Also yes.
  7. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 17

    “Alright, so here’s the plan. We’re going to set up a meeting with their leader, right?” I said as I looked at the rest of my team. “And I’m going to walk in, right? And I’m going to say hi and say I found a really nice knife. Then I’m going to take it out and show it off, like this.” I...
  8. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 16

    “In here, honey!” I heard from the other room as I walked toward the living room. “I have a guest over, if you want to go get cleaned up first.” “Ah, gotcha!” I called back and glanced down at myself. My heavy winter coat pretty much turned my costume into street clothes, but if I took it...
  9. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

    Thanks! Fixed it.
  10. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

    I said what I said ;)
  11. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 15

    “Protectorate emergency, who am I speaking with and how can I help?” the calm, cool voice on the other side of the line answered. “This is Weaver, indepen-” I was interrupted by the need to throw myself out of the way of an incoming chunk of asphalt bigger than my head. “Independent hero...
  12. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

    Unfortunately, it is not. In context... she probably made the right call. On the other hand, being able to make that call doesn't necessarily say good things about you as a person.
  13. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

    Keep in mind that Taylor doesn't have future memories. She has the spotty memories of the author about reading a story almost a decade ago. Until I looked it up, I didn't remember any of the details of her killing Aster other than the fact that she did it because there was some bad thing...
  14. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 14

    “Are you… okay?” I asked. I’d told Amy about what her sister said, and she’d buried her face in her arms and not moved for a few minutes. “Yeah,” she mumbled, but it was muffled. After another moment, she raised her head and just looked tired. “I know… I know that part of the point of all...
  15. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 13

    Talking to the police was unsettling but ultimately uneventful. I said true things, didn’t add extra details, and it was over in about five minutes. The fact that the culprits were already caught and hostages rescued probably helped a lot with that. I still wasn’t certain that the entire plot...
  16. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 12

    The inside of the parked minivan was hot enough that the few snowflakes that fell onto the windshield turned to water immediately, forming big drops that made the lights of passing cars distort until it looked like we were inside a kaleidoscope. “Do you know what you’re going to tell...
  17. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 11

    “What? How?” Flashbang asked, startled. “It doesn’t matter, I have a spider on all four people inside and they are moving around like crazy.” It was annoying that they had been tipped off somehow. Had someone in law enforcement made a call? Had the simple fact that the Protectorate was...
  18. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)
    Threadmarks: 10

    The white-haired man didn’t seem as annoyed as usual, though my ability to remember our conversation was just as fragmented as usual. “-of course, the other one didn’t-” “-paltry trick, but I suppose it is a start-” “-even without a shred of that troublesome-” When I finally woke up, I...
  19. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

    Without spoiling stuff, some selected commentary. I'll admit to two of the ones you got right (you got a few other minor things right, but they're spoiler-y). You were right on a few other things which weren't taken as explicit items because they're baked into other powers (multitasking, some...
  20. Swordchucks

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

    I thought it would be amusing to take one of those "you'll have to work hard to survive" drawbacks and then just have the MC not survive the experience. So... you're saying it would have been better if she had wood?