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Search results for query: *

  1. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 33: A Hint Bared

    Adrian's anxiety grew as she drove along the highway. Beside her, Dalmytrias sat and stared ahead at the road, unmoving. The tension he exuded filled the car. Though he was hidden behind a mask, she knew there was a scowl etched into his face. The unyielding silence frightened her, it was like...
  2. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 32: Hostile Negotiations

    Adrian stood next to Dalmytrias, his wings splayed and ready for a fight, in front of the hotel. Ahead of them, in the courtyard, spread out across the lawn was the entirety of the Order's military branch. Dozens upon dozens of armored soldiers impeded their path. "Please go back inside."...
  3. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 31: The Returner

    Adrian reached for her revolver as Acara spoke, admitting to being her parents' murderer. Before Adrian could get a firm grip on her weapon, the Order leader swept her arms up and pinned Adrian against Dalmytrias's dead body. Then Acara looked at Leiel and gave her a determined nod. The...
  4. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 30: In Discretion

    In a panic, Adrian weaved away from the oncoming procession of emergency vehicles, her car still wrapped up in the invisibility sheet Lex conjured. Pulling off to the side, she skidded to a stop. Anger melded with fear, realizing she was caught. Blowing through the border plaza was a stupid...
  5. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 29: A Chilling Affair

    Adrian stared with terror at the violet fireball ascending over Alm's head as he continued to conjure it. The sphere of flame expanded, letting off green bolts of lightning as the scintillating orb collided with the smoke billowing from the bulkhead. Like a tornado sucking up a building, the...
  6. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 28: Bellowed Connection

    Adrian struggled to stay upright as her grip on the Sun Tear continued to burn her from the inside out. With waning determination, she fought to hold a grasp on the small stone. Each second passing, she felt her guts turning to molten lava. Moreso, the moment she placed her hand on the rock, a...
  7. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 27: The Dark Sun Rises

    Adrian stared into the cage and her heart sank. Staring back was a young girl, no older than seven. The young one was in tattered rags, and the inside of the cage was filthy. Adrian looked around for something to break the padlock. "Help me get them out of there." Adrian spoke with authority...
  8. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 26: Subterranean Alliance

    Adrian stared at the dark skyscraper, standing out amid the worn and dilapidated backdrop of the city blocks surrounding. Deciding not to let the situation get the best of her, she needed to devise a plan to get into the building and figure out where the Sun Tear was being stored. As the name...
  9. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 25: Mind Tricks

    Adrian focused on the road as they closed in on the border checkpoint. "I still don't know how you got out of there in one piece." She looked over at Lex, now reunited with Bardo. The psychological wounds from the cape suddenly darting off her and layering back onto Lex were yet fresh, after all...
  10. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 24: Unexpected Departure

    Trapped in the safehouse for the night, Adrian found sleep fleeting. In the morning, she awoke to find the two doors to freedom open. Upon one of the desks out in the office were her clothes, cleaned and folded. And the purse containing her things placed to the side, stained with blood. After...
  11. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 23: Debts Unpaid

    Adrian traveled with Acara through the massive, cavernous subterranean structure. The trek led them to a secure bunker suspended close to the ceiling. The thick metal structure's exterior was peppered with burn scars and dents from projectile impacts. From under the structure, an open-air lift...
  12. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 22: Descent

    The armored soldier grabbed Adrian by the shoulders and yanked her into the elevator. With a stomping advance, he squeezed past her and out into the hallway. It was Tank, the soldier she encountered at the hotel's entrance earlier. In the hall, the glow of his armor ignited and filled the space...
  13. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 21: Uninvited Guests

    Adrian gasped, distraught. "D-dead?" She pulled the royal blue cloak tight around her as she shivered with fear. "Yes. I don't recommend getting shot." The angel stared off in the distance as he bounced his heels off the side of the bluff he sat upon. "Quite painful." "Then... what happens...
  14. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 20: New Territory

    Adrian froze in mid-stride, shocked by what was happening only a few steps away. With a conjured glacier sword cocked over his head, Silas readied to cut down Lex. The omnipresent chorus filled the room, nearly deafening Adrian. Then the adeptus's eyes glowed magenta and his companions...
  15. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 19: Ice Cold

    Adrian sat at the dinner table, baffled by her surroundings. When she heard formal, she thought of men in penguin suits and women in… well, what she was wearing, a gown. But every corner of the vast underground dining room was filled with formal military uniforms of all colors of regalia, most...
  16. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 18: Insistence

    Adrian panicked, seeing the blue-hooded stranger reach toward her. Then she looked down and realized he was holding a small piece of paper with handwriting on it and a red wax seal. The stranger displayed it with a gloved hand. With her nerves easing, she looked closer at the piece of paper...
  17. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 17: Precipace

    As Acara slid her hand upon the angel's head, the wild cries of the omnipresent chorus quieted once more. From the stained glass, the light faded, darkness returned outside the cathedral walls. The mercenary leader's face fought back signs of mourning as she stroked his long hair. Adrian got the...
  18. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 16: Reunion

    Adrian raised her arms, the gun barrel jabbed against her neck. Exhausted and spent from the crash, fear settled in. She was out of options and had little fight left in her. "Turn around." The throaty and baritone artificial voice of her assailant boomed. On her heels, Adrian rotated slowly...
  19. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 15: Rushed

    With the world still spinning from the collision, Adrian threw open her door and staggered from the car. The kingpin was marching closer, his charred flesh mostly gone, the transparent shell around his vital organs fully exposed. Adrian stumbled upright, still out of breath, and squared off with...
  20. machinedhearts

    Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 14: Compression

    The sun peaked high in the sky as Adrian continued her journey, trailed by the kingpin's limo. Of the dozen districts she needed to cross to get to District 9, she already passed through eight. It wasn't much farther, an hour of driving at the speed limit, maybe more. For most of the trip, she...