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Search results for query: *

  1. "Echoes of Eternity"

    I wonder if we can prepare a medicine that will alleviate Duke's condition? [X] Keep up a conversation with Duke and at the same time carefully study his aura with the help of Spirit Vision and turning to your new knowledge try to understand how you can help him.
  2. "Echoes of Eternity"

    We can also create potions that support our mental energy to reduce the side effects of the amulet.
  3. "Echoes of Eternity"

    You probably meant Apothecary. How exactly does potion learning happen? Are there any recipes that are known in advance or do they appear during the study of herbs, animal parts and other ingredients?
  4. "Echoes of Eternity"

    Hi everyone, I came from space battles to advertise my plan. [] Criminal Prince - [] Shinji Itou - [] Canonical appearance but there is some dark temptation in the look - [] Southern Continent - [] Brown Round ball - [] Criminal The path of the abyss is a powerful enough path that is good both...