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  1. Technomancer in MCU #1

    Ed is like a YouTuber reaction content creator, cause that’s all he does in this story, say shit other people are thinking and watch them do stuff, Alfred is literally his replacement why you would do that to your mc? Idk
  2. Technomancer in MCU #1

    I occasionally checkup on this story and I’m not surprised to see ed is still a side character the AI is still too fucking important and your following canon for some reason with weird AU parts
  3. Technomancer in MCU #1

    What even is this story anymore
  4. Technomancer in MCU #1

    Almost 100 chapters now and you still haven’t understood what a main character is
  5. Technomancer in MCU #1

    Why the fuck did you even write ed into this story?
  6. Technomancer in MCU #1

    Mc isn’t even part of this story anymore
  7. Technomancer in MCU #1

    I feel like you went off the deep end and the story is drowning itself
  8. Technomancer in MCU #1

    The writing is good, I just don’t like omakes
  9. Technomancer in MCU #1

    omakes are trash imo
  10. Technomancer in MCU #1

    This sickness should not be a main story focus
  11. Technomancer in MCU #1

    This fanfic shot itself in the head with a .50 cal
  12. Technomancer in MCU #1

    Time to rewrite some of Alfred’s code, speaking of Alfred I had a weird ass dream where I had tony starks intellect and an Alfred of my own, I was chilling in self driving car talking to Alfred when the signal got cut and a giant storm took over the sky, my dream brain was doing some weird ass...
  13. Technomancer in MCU #1

    You expect respect when you have an ai doing petty shit like making coffee taste like coal, rerouting destinations on cars?
  14. Technomancer in MCU #1

    It is in fact not a good idea, and the whole OP but frail and sick protagonist is also a terrible cliche, im literally just telling myself the mc isn’t frail or weak and im also actively avoiding reading anything that says otherwise
  15. Technomancer in MCU #1

    He is within rights to kill t’challa right now…easy crown prince title gained
  16. Technomancer in MCU #1

    Webnovel trash