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  1. On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    More like she does not want to acknowledge it to be true. Because then there is no free will to anybody in this world either.
  2. On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Honestly Kuroka being completely right was the best part of everything. LOL it really shows how the main cast lacks experience more than anything.
  3. On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    All this setup to realize Eren can indeed break all the walls. LOL it is Rumbling 2.0 time. Doesn't matter how strong the New Satans are, what matters is their plans to fight an inexhaustible horde of Titans-sized enemies whom Eren can remake at will, regenerate from nothing, and then proceed to...
  4. On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    It would be incredibly ironic if Armin ended up being part of the Heaven faction in this mess...
  5. On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    On one hand bold choice. On the other hand I can't really see the need for Mikasa here. Feels like a cop out for Eren if he ever finds out she exists and a very classic and overdone/cliche if he doesn't. Also are the pronouns correct there and the last Red Dragon emperor was a female ? And...
  6. On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Dammit man, leaving us with a cliffhanger like that is just cruel. On the other hand that was a fantastic chapter, easily one of the best this story ever had. The way Eren straight up dominated the entire encounter and being unwavering in his way of doing things. Though I can't really see...
  7. On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Very interesting indeed. I am actually curious why he went mercenary in Africa of all places. It is just an odd thing to do really. And this being slice of life is well earned I suppose, though I do wonder if Eren will intervene someway in DxD, though since this is an epilogue of sorts I really...