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Search results for query: *

  1. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    I am the bone of my dragon I guess? the scale is my body and fire is my blood??
  2. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

  3. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Eren is pushing that rock up a lot right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB42Hz349JM
  4. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    yuck, when Mikasa finds out that Eren used everyone again as damn chess pieces it will be very funny
  5. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    eyyyyy, finally someone who gives logic and realism to a harem, the sad and bitter reality is that not everyone will be happy, there will be jealousy and a lot of remorse between them and it will be a battle royale between all the couples just to win affection hah. nice work
  6. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    I look forward to Mikasa's reaction when she sees Kuroka and Eren hugging and kissing each other... which will result in a territorial fight between 2 cats... nice work
  7. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    wow Mikasa territorial cat
  8. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    noOO you left it in the best part, damn it
  9. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    That was sad and cute, I almost expected Kuroka to cut off Eren's head and kiss him excellent work as always :)
  10. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Rias suddenly became a Shounen protagonist nice work :)
  11. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    It was very nice, I loved the relationship between Kuroka and Eren... I think... I think I got dust in my eye... :(
  12. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    It's a little painful to have a relationship that will only last a year, I guess you have to create beautiful memories that last, good job
  13. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Well, that was sad. excellent work
  14. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    AAAAAA, how I love how you described Kuroka and her relationship with Eren Beautiful work as always.
  15. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Eren as always sowing chaos and being an essence of chaos just for freedom. Now it's our turn to wait on the bench until next week... nice work
  16. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Everything according to the keikaku beautiful work as always
  17. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Uhh, I wonder what the reunion will be like or maybe Eren already knew?, excellent job as always.
  18. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    now everyone uses Eren as a love guru nice work
  19. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    From the beginning to the end Kokabiel was just a martyr. heh Nice work.
  20. Gwynx

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Hah, apparently Eren was a little involved with the moonlit world, excellent job as always and happy new year