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Search results for query: *

  1. HalfEmpty

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Eren was literally the Xanatos Gambit trope wasn't he? His plans always worked, he always lead his enemies into traps he setup beforehand and he killed enough people in them that if you weren't dead, it's because your death wasn't part of his plan. Nice to see two points of confirmation of...
  2. HalfEmpty

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    We finally get a glimpse of Eren's power level in the DxD setting and it did not disappoint. Kokabiel recognizes that if he wasn't dead immediately in Eren's presence, it's because Eren didn't want to kill him yet. Since the peace conference was held in Kuoh Academy, I wonder if any other...
  3. HalfEmpty

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    I wonder who the boss might be? From what I remember of Cao Cao, he wasn't much of a step by step planner kind of person? Also, we finally see a slight deviation from Issei being a rook instead of a pawn. I wonder if he will subconsciously associate Rias and Akeno with being tortured. It's...
  4. HalfEmpty

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    In theory, it'll probably be shorter? He's writing following a deadline (Eren's predicted death) and with events already in motion (Kokabiel, Hero Faction, etc). There's only so many butterflies that can change things with how the setting is already. But it's still cool to see Akeno's trauma...
  5. HalfEmpty

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    That's interesting, Issei is now a Rook instead of 8 pawns. I wonder if losing the Pawn ability to promote will have an impact on him? Maybe he'll lean more into the strengths of being a Rook, which may impact his ability to perform magic. Issei as inspired by Goku perhaps? Still, it's...
  6. HalfEmpty

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    If Rias output is now doubled, does that translate into her ability to use her Pieces more efficiently? Can she reincarnate Iseei using less Pawns? Also, how did Eren smuggle his sword through customs?
  7. HalfEmpty

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    One day, Yuuto's going to look back on this and laugh at how wrong he was. It's great to see an underutilized character get some shine in the story, since Yuuto is always regulated to becoming a minor character in most fanfics.