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Search results for query: *

  1. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    Agreed. Trans-dimensional Harmonics and Desperate Lies are some of my favorite chapters I've written. My beta for the story, "Amy" who I used bits and pieces of to fill in some of the gaps her sparse appearances left in Amy Madison's characterization and I once had a conversation about how...
  2. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Interlude 13B – Amy Vs Interruptions

    ***POV Amy*** ---Sunnydale High Parking Lot : Friday Morning Before School--- Willow turns around and her shoulders slump. "Jerk... we don't feel like dealing with you right now. Can you just... go away?" Jack twitches, fire erupting from under his shirt. Then he vanishes. Not burns up...
  3. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Interlude 13A – Trans-dimensional Harmonics

    ***POV Harmony*** ---Sunnydale High – Hallways : Friday Morning Before School--- Cordelia looks at me sadly. "Everything is just a mess right now. I just-" She sighs. "I think we're going to try to work through it." She thinks they're going to try and work through it? I think I might puke...
  4. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Part 42 –Cognitive Dissonance

    A/N - I've been told by the folks that read this on SpaceBattles that it may be worth noting that the darker turn Jack's life starts taking doesn't stick and that the story rebounds pretty hard very soon. ---Sunnydale Roadways : T = +8 Hours--- Diana Dormer was still alive? Okay, I guess that...
  5. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Part 41 – Into Darkness

    ---Sunnydale High – Pool : T = +10 minutes Xander and Timothy do a fish impression for a moment. Under less obnoxious circumstances I'd probably find watching Xander's face as his mind reboots hilarious. "...hey! Why am I evil Spock? You're the one-" "No!" "No?" "You're not Spock." I point...
  6. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Part 40 – Lost in Space-Time Discontinuum

    ---Winters Residence – Atrium : Thursday Evening--- "I hope so. My name is Lindsey McDonald, I'm an associate with Wolfram and Hart. I'm looking for a Jack Winters." Lindsey smiles at me. I'm fairly certain he knows exactly who I am... Or at least he thinks he does. Waving my people back, I...
  7. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    Well, Jack certainly agrees with you... but his Mother basically carved "Buffy sucks and we hates her" (say it in the gollum voice for best effect) onto the inside of his skull. Point of order: AIUI, Joyce died of an aneurysm / brain bleed that would be filed under 'complications from...
  8. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Interlude 12C – Splinter Groups

    ***POV Willow*** ---Sunnydale High - Library – After Last Period Monday--- I race into the library. "Giles! This is horrible!" ... I find him at his desk already polishing his glasses. "Yes. Quite. What is horrible, exactly?" "Faith and Jerk have a rail cannon!" "A what?" "Oh! They're...
  9. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Interlude 12B – Faith in Family

    ***POV Faith*** ---Sunnydale High Classroom : Monday 3rd Period--- I take my seat in Ms. Tenghast's reading class. Usually it's one of my favorite classes. A super easy class, just like X-man said, we just read a bunch of books and sometimes have to talk about them. Today... it means...
  10. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Interlude 12A – Hematology

    ***POV Angel*** ---Summers residence - Backyard--- My right arm is definitely broken. You have to help them. Get up off the ground. Dru's newest childe continues yelling. "Was it all just some kind of joke to you?" His voice is followed by a loud cracking sound. I try to roll to my feet...
  11. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Part 39 - And Its Little Butterfly Buddies

    ---Winters Residence - Atrium: Tuesday Afternoon--- "Yeah. Walked in on her and Xander." I stare at Oz. Oh, Gods Damn It. I was really hoping that the silver lining in the mess my Brother made was that Willow and Xander would manage their little 'de-lusting spell' in peace. I could have...
  12. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Part 38 – One Bigass Butterfly

    ---Winters Residence – Lab : Monday, Nov 16th - 1AM--- "So, what are ya gunna do?" Faith asks as she helps me carry the gurney down the staircase. I glance down at Warden Liam's sedated body. "Put Liam here back together. Dump him-" "No. I mean... I get that." Faith rolls her eyes at me...
  13. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Part 37 – Oh Brother

    ---Winters Residence : Sunday Morning..? Already?--- My tattoos flare for a moment. I make a quick note of the time in the margins. That makes four times in about as many hours that they've done that. It's a strange itching sensation too. I suspect that somebody, somewhere, is having a tough...
  14. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Interlude 11C – Where Did I Go Wrong

    ***Joyce POV*** ---Summers Residence : Tuesday of the Previous Week (happens during 33)--- "I don't know, Hank. Maybe because she's our only child and she wants to see you! Lord only knows why, because I certainly don't. But you go right ahead and enjoy your time in Madrid with your...
  15. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Interlude 11B - Spike Interupted

    ***Spike POV*** ---Willy's Bar : Saturday just after Sunset--- Sitting down at Willy's bar, I order a pint of A neg with a shot of whiskey in it. Willy knows better than to try and cut my blood with that orangutan crap he serves the fledges but I give the drink a sniff first anyway just in...
  16. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Interlude 11A – It's My Birthday, and I'll ... KABOOM!

    ***Amy POV*** ---Winters Residence : Tuesday Night--- I drag the last hamper into the laundry room. The laundry I had sorted out into piles by color is of course all dumped on the floor in the middle of the room. "Seriously!? Again? You're worse than Red." Jack looks up at me from where...
  17. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Part 36 – Activating Collision Detection System

    ---Summer's Residence : Saturday Evening--- I sip my hot cocoa and lament the length of Joyce's dining room table. Sitting on the long side makes it exceptionally difficult to surreptitiously observe Dawn whilst pretending I'm watching my Brother and Joyce play out their canon conversation...
  18. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Part 35 - Rerouting Trains

    ---Winters Residence : Late Wednesday Night--- Faith practically pounces on Amy when we get back to the house. "Did you have a good time? How was it?" She's practically vibrating in place. I sigh. I recognize those warning signs. Somebody found the candy stash again. Amy laughs. "Fantastic. I...
  19. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Part 34 – Laying down the Rails

    ---Hotel, Budapest--- Amy opens the hotel room door. Her eyes are looking a little bloodshot and she smells like coffee. "Everything taken care of?" Her voice is low, but steady. "Yeah." I answer in kind as I step into the room, closing the door behind me. "Did you sleep at all?" "No." She...
  20. Aetheron

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC
    Threadmarks: Interlude 10B –Houses made of Playing Cards

    ***Buffy POV*** --- Patrol - Cemetery, Sunnydale : Sunday --- "... And then! I get home, covered in sewer gunk. And I find him. Doing things with my mother. Things I can never un-see now." I shudder at the memories and continue trying to repress. He who shall no longer be mentioned in my...