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Search results for query: *

  1. ThedudeManBro

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    ... Yeah a very angry Faith punching the girl WHO DEFINITELY turned her favorite brother to ash would.... Well there's one less Apocalypse scenario in the future! HUZZAH! In other news, apparently heads pulp abit differently to watermelons. We didn't know this before, but we know now! HUZZAH...
  2. ThedudeManBro

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    No, Willow is the Ulcer my guy. Not above or below, just... To the right in the shitbird rankings. We really need to get our terminologies straight:V
  3. ThedudeManBro

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    Some say the brain tumor was magic based. Some say it was genetic. Others say many theories. I say dealing and worrying with the insane teenage idiocy of Buffy and her... Buffyness was that done did Joyce in. My favorite chapter of the show tou. It was very... Viscerally real and...
  4. ThedudeManBro

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    Angel: *Exists in Dawn's vicinity* Jack:
  5. ThedudeManBro

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    Faith's accent is becoming stronger and stronger by the chapter and I love that almost as hard as I love her big fat butt:V
  6. ThedudeManBro

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    Jackie boy is the most entertaining friend-shaped wrecking ball I've read in the Buffy verse, Fite me.
  7. ThedudeManBro

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    Oooof. Impostor syndrome on top of everything else Faith has inside her brain case... Shiet, poor gal.
  8. ThedudeManBro

    Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    ... Aqua has more Goddess Responsibility Points™ than Eris right now. How the fuck can you even DO that?