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Search results for query: *

  1. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Chapter 10

    A day and change of exploration, and Izuku felt utterly dissatisfied. He sat in the mess hall, keeping to himself as he ate. Around him the pirates hustled and bustle, stuffing themselves with food and drinking to the gills. So far no one had even noticed him, let alone bothered to speak to...
  2. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Chapter 9

    Spytand Malice glared, as his fur-clad subordinates hurried about their duties. "Keep it moving!" he barked. "Lord Kaido wants these stores stowed by nightfall!" The pirates did as they were told. Malice watched them as they scurried along the wide corridors, lugging wooden boxes between them...
  3. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Chapter 8

    "Okay, first things first." Izuku sat cross-legged on the mat, facing a kneeling Yamato. "We're gonna need a pen and paper for me to make you a list of things to get." He cupped his chin. "Got anything to write with?" "I do! Let me find something!" Yamato got up and trotted over to her...
  4. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia

    He's 16 and she's 24. Not much of a shota here, more Izuku being smol really. Then again, Yamato's taller than Shaq or Victor Wembamyama :V
  5. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Chapter 7

    Yamato couldn't believe what she had just heard. She sat there, stunned, trying to process it. Not just the words, but what everything in them, in Izuku's countenance, in his eyes, seemed to mean. He wanted to help her. He wanted to help her escape, to fly with her away from this place. He...
  6. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Chapter 6

    "And that..." Izuku took a deep breath, relaxing as he laid back against his pillows "…is how I got here." He looked over, and Yamato had barely moved. Nor had she asked questions. Yet her eyes were fixed unwaveringly on him. "So... you saved your world from that villain, All for One...someone...
  7. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Extras: Fan Art(Nice Sit Down) and Height Chart.

    Yes indeed. You can say that again. https://x.com/shosho_oekaki/status/1710495736029393105?s=20 And yes that is the size difference. Want proof? Ulti would be 5'8 and Yamato herself is 8'8. Izuku himself is 166 cm(or 5'5). Uta is 169 cm(or 5'6). Luffy is 172 cm(or 5'7) when he sets...
  8. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Chapter 5

    Something smelt good. Izuku looked up expectantly as Yamato stepped through the door, sliding it shut behind her with one foot. This time she was carrying two large, covered bowls, and a fresh water skin under her arm. There was a bright smile on her face, as there always was. "Something a...
  9. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Chapter 4

    Onigashima's docks were a scene of barely-organised chaos. Ships were coming in, making their way along the tall, rocky tunnel that served as the stone skull's throat. Those at the docks were being unloaded, mighty derricks lugging heavy crates from the ship's decks. Countless pirates were...
  10. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia

    What’s a waifu catalog???
  11. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia

    Ruby is nice but I’d go Yang just for the contrast of their personalities. same with someone like Raven from Teen titans.
  12. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia

    I’ll just make my own thread of lemons in various stories I write in if I feel the mood pop up
  13. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia

    I can allude to it in the story proper maybe. I’d have to make a one shot lemon for it to keep it separate and what not.
  14. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia

    Yeah. Same with FFESS. Wanna try to get a little fan base going instead of one giant chapter dump lol
  15. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia

    Thanks for the heads up. Apologies.
  16. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3

    It was in the middle of the night when she heard it. The sound of a rumbling stomach. Her own that is. Yamato stirred, getting up from her bed and rubbing her eyes. "Hungry..." she murmured as she rolled out of bed, and pulled her robes. She reached over for the candle, and the box of matches...
  17. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2

    Yamato couldn't be happier. The boy, Midoriya Izuku if that card was to be believed, was awake. He was breathing slowly but regularly, mostly through his nose thanks to the bandage, and watching her through wide, curious eyes. He seemed at ease, which was very good. She had half-expected him...
  18. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia

    They’ll hand hold. Eventually. Down the line. gotta build up to it my dude
  19. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Where was he? He didn't know where he was, or how he had come to be there. He had been…floating. Floating, as if in water. Floating, and gently swaying, the sound of waves in his ears. "Hold on, little one. Almost there." He was flying. The wind was cold on his cheeks. Someone was…someone was...
  20. Zaru

    (SFW) Heroes of the New World - One Piece x My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    "Tch... that smarts..." Yamato groaned as she sat in her room, rubbing salves and ointments into her many, many bruises. She had gone at her father again, to defeat him as Kozuki Oden would have. But as before, as so many times before, she had failed. She had ended up faced-down in the dirt...