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Search results for query: *

  1. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)

    Saber isn’t gonna show up in Inaba. I had considered it but between her game-breaking stats and noble phantasm, there’s not much to bring her over aside from character moments. We still need drama and action for the cast after all.
  2. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)

    Aaaaaand this thread is all caught up now! And it'll get the simul-post treatment with my other ports (Fanfiction, Beast's Lair, Sufficient Velocity, Spacebattles) when the next chapter is finished. Also I hope to have it wrap up the Vampire Satsuki arc within the next chapter or two.
  3. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 49: Wayward

    Chapter 49: Wayward July 25th, Yasogami High School, Classroom 2-A, Final period There was a scare on the morning news when a fourth body was found on the telephone poles, aligning with the strange causes of the first two. And happening so soon after the third made people panic and gossip that...
  4. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 48: Hero

    Chapter 48: Hero <><><> Before the team could gather their bearings, Shadow Mitsuo surrounded itself in a casing of hard light. As it solidified and became defined, the image of a giant 3D retro-themed warrior with a helmet, cape and sash, and sword appeared. The warrior was moving in place in...
  5. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 47

    Chapter 47: Shadow of the Hollowed Self July 17th, Afternoon, Junes Food Court Shortly after Yosuke and Shirou bumped into Teddie, they reacted as best as they could. For Yosuke, that meant panicking as he interrogated Teddie on his presence, as well as deal with customers and staff asking...
  6. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Extras: IC2: A Fortunate Encounter

    Inaba Chorus: A Fortunate Encounter You are Naoto Shirogane, the aspiring young detective with a legacy to follow. You have solved many cases on your own already, earning a rather dubious epitaph, "The Detective Prince". You care not for rumors or titles, so you barely paid attention to such...
  7. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 47: Bleeding Hearts

    Chapter 46: Bleeding Hearts This is it; she had realized. This is the moment I've been waiting for. Taiga had never felt more alive until this moment. She had pushed herself to be stronger, as a dedicated kendoka, and did have her share of thrills from her grandfather's "business". But she had...
  8. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 45: Shadow of the Mysterious Self

    Chapter 45: Shadow of the Mysterious Self For better or worse, the team was in a familiar area. Days of running around the open ground floor of the castle for training came to them quickly, and there was plenty of room to coordinate with each other. However, they never had to fight a giant...
  9. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 44: Into the Void

    Chapter 44: Into the Void July 16 – Junes Food Court Yosuke arrived early at the food court, waiting for the others. It was agreed that they should avoid grouping up as much as possible after a few close calls with the police. It was raining non-stop now, and Shirou figured it would be a good...
  10. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 43: Reshuffling

    Chapter 43: Reshuffling July 12th, Moon Voidania, Ground Floor "Again!" Taiga stood over them, proud and strong. She was sweating from the brow, but it was only from exerting herself. It was nothing compared to the rather battered teens struggling to stay off the floor. The first to rise up...
  11. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 42: Paradigm Shift

    Chapter 42: Paradigm Shift <><><> Dojima Residence "You told him we were all inside the TV?! What the hell were you thinking?!" "Hey, I didn't know for sure, alright?" Kanji huffed defensively. "It's not like I was going to bring him inside, anyway." "That's not the point!" Yosuke yelled...
  12. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 41: Ethical Effort

    Chapter 41: Ethical Effort Philosophy was never a well-liked class in Yasogami. It was hard enough in the rest of the curriculum to study and research how to answer questions in topics like literature, history, and science. There was usually only one right answer to such questions. But not...
  13. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 40: Tightly Wound

    Chapter 40: Tightly Wound Velvet Room Between Kanji's rescue and the welcome dinner for Taiga, it had been a long day that guaranteed a long sleep for Shirou. He barely registered the pillow under his head before he was out like a light, and the next thing he knew, he was hearing opera and...
  14. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 39: Crash and Burn

    Chapter 39: Crash and Burn When the light finally faded, only Shirou was still standing. Everyone else had been blown away to the far corners of the room. Even Shadow Kanji was forced to kneel and raise his arms to buffer the worst of the explosion of raw power. Standing over Shirou was a...
  15. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 38: Shadow of the Masculine Self

    Chapter 38: Shadow of the Masculine Self <><><> Steamy Bathhouse Entrance It was a long time coming, but Shirou was making good on his promise to Nice Guy and Tough Guy. Part of him hoped they had forgotten or that they weren't at the front entrance anymore, but they have been patiently...
  16. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 37: Boiling Tensions

    Chapter 37: Boiling Tensions <><><> Deep in the Steamy Bathhouse The first thing Kanji felt when he came to was that he was hot. Like, stuffy hot. He knew it was June, but this was unbearable. "Ugh, dammit Ma, would you turn the AC on or something?" He blinked his groggy eyes awake, but it...
  17. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)

    Not yet, but I hate having to sit on this for so long so it'll be done by the end of today. Or tomorrow. And then I'll also get to work on the latest chapter (god I dread having to share this on Ao3...)
  18. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 36: Sauna

    Chapter 36: Sauna <><><> June 26th, Velvet Room "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT TO SIDELINE ME?!?!" Shirou flinched and looked up at the fuming face of a black-haired devil hovering in front of him. "Now, Lilim—" "You need me to fight off the other Shadows that fling curses and hexes around! You...
  19. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 35: Fallen

    Chapter 35: Fallen June 24th, Velvet Room Shirou liked to think that he was starting to become a man of the world. Yes, there were still things he was ignorant about, such as the nature of magecraft and the identity of the culprit murdering people in Inaba, but he was quick to adapt and...
  20. Kishou the Badger

    Fate/Reach Out (Fate/Stay Night x SMT Persona 4)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 34: Calm Before the Storm

    Chapter 34: Calm Before the Storm June 18th, Morning, Mountain River On the morrow, the students of Yasogami High were dismissed and allowed to go home. For the members of the Investigation Team, Yosuke asked everyone to follow him instead of everyone else to the buses. But the progress to...