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Search results for query: *

  1. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

  2. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets
    Threadmarks: 18, Steamverse

    [Commander True Ranks =Protector[Red], Defender[Blue], Sentry[Yellow], Warden[Purple], Elite Protector [Orange], Master Defender [Black], Guardian [White],True Guardian[Green]] Engaging Railspace… Systems nominal. Preparing to cross railspace. Igniting Rails. Impact. I blinked, as...
  3. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets
    Threadmarks: Short Interlude, Wrex

    Emperor Urdnot Wrex — I took a swig of Ryncol. I felt completely drained. You’d think having a line of females to bed would be a good thing… I haven’t had a good night's rest in several cycles. A Krogan can go for a long time without actually needing to sleep. So considering I almost passed...
  4. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    No one will ever know the Reapers existed. They are as gone as the races they harvested are.
  5. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets
    Threadmarks: 17

    Over time, things changed, I researched new technology, new devices, new ships. Surprisingly enough, I didn’t get dragged into another war even though I was constantly preparing for the reapers. I had to make drydocks to refit my existing ships with newer technology. Hmm, I might as well share...
  6. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    Stop giving me ideas, I'm too busy playing Palworld to write!
  7. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets
    Threadmarks: 16

    Gateway Starport, Systems Alliance Citizen : Joshua Christen, Human — I took a sip of orange soda, looking at the bustling activity of the Central Zone. People of all races were going around, chatting, and having a decently good time. The Geth were scary to see at first, with all the negative...
  8. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    I am suffering. I now have to fix that across 4 websites.
  9. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets
    Threadmarks: 15

    BATARIAN HIERARCHY GONE?] I looked at the headline in the local news on Starport. It had been three months since the loss of the Batarian Hierarchy. I was dealing with a few issues since then. Namely the Citadel Races and their associates demanding their people back, since I let it slip that I...
  10. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    I'm almost ready, few more things to do then I'll start giving it an attempt again.
  11. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    K, I haven't been able to write on this story for a bit. So I am going to put it on pause for about two weeks, I am going to completely put it out of my head till then. So in two weeks from this post, feel free to remind me about this story. Then I will see if I can write on it again
  12. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    Don't expect much beyond 2k words at most, currently that is the most I can write for a chapter reliably.
  13. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    Thats... actually not a bad idea, the only problem would be preventing the machinery from falling into the star while your building the shunting device. The other issue would be the effects of gravity on the rails in the dimension. A rough estimate is that the star would turn into a iron star...
  14. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    It's currently short as I try to get back into writing, having issues mentally stopping me from writing.
  15. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets
    Threadmarks: Batarians - 14

    The Batarian War Front — I had besieged most planets belonging to the Batarians. Excluding any Batarian Colonies that I don't actually know about. I was making progress on all fronts. Khar'shan being the easiest, surprisingly. The decapitation of leadership had left the Batarians completely...
  16. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets
    Threadmarks: Turians - 13

    Turians want to ally with me. Or at least open up a trading ground. Apparently that stunt involving the Reaper was enough for them to want an alliance. I’m personally not against the idea, the problem is the humans. The First Contact War is still a fresh wound between the two races, it doesn’t...
  17. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    I'm heading live on Twitch, Will be playing Hollow Knight, if you'd like to support my writing, come by and sit for a bit. You don't have to talk if you don't want to. Just having people there helps. I'm a bit tired today, so I might be a bit slow at responding to chat if anyone talks...
  18. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets
    Threadmarks: Geth - 12

    I don’t actually know where the Migrant Fleet is particularly. The Geth probably know though. I know where the Fleet was last, but that is about it. I sent an Envoy to the Perseus Veil. It would broadcast the diplomatic message, “Commander True seeks to speak with the Geth.” Pretty simple, and...
  19. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    Technically its the second half of eleven but I was too tired to fix it.
  20. Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets
    Threadmarks: 11

    With curveball after curveball, you’d think the day couldn’t get any worse. But, well. I just had a Quarian attempt to suicide bomb one of my stations. I managed to catch it before it happened thanks to my stupidly advanced scanning tech. But it was a close shave. This one was the Gateway...