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Search results for query: *

  1. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 15. Extra Life

    Extra Life Nine hundred ninety nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand, eight hundred and seventy three bottles of raktajino on the wall, nine hundred ninety nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand, eight hundred and seventy three… take one down, pass it around… bugger this...
  2. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 14. Boss Fight

    And this is basically it, other than the last chapter/epilogue. Boss Fight “Ohh, she’s going to get into so much trouble, I can tell,” said Buran, her avatar pacing up and down the bridge. “Buran, calm down. It’s a garden world. What trouble can she get into? What could she possibly...
  3. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 13. Side Quest

    Side Quest Sirens began blaring and the lighting changed as the ship went to red alert. That didn’t really change anything for me because I could filter out the noise and didn’t really need to see in the visible spectrum, but it was annoying because it did mean that I knew that they knew I...
  4. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 12. Upload

    Upload “You got that Federation rust bucket up and running, hmm?” taunted Hiren, the Romulan pirate on communications said to the shuttle as it finally lifted off the surface of the planet. “Yeah, yeah, you know Fed tech, not worth the replicator rations, am I right? Still, the Captain...
  5. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 11. DLC

    I haven't quite finished the latest chapter on Rise of the System Lords (you can find it on this site), so have this one instead... man, holidays are hard. I need a holiday to recover from the holiday. DLC “Chance?” Ghorqan sounded worried. I didn’t blame him, I was too. Up until now...
  6. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 10. Content

    Content Perfect landing! Textbook, even! I didn’t exactly power down my Ship core, but I did clock it back down to something closer to human normal, and… well not exactly shunt it to the back of my mind, but I did kind of sleep with the shuttle. I ran through a whole shebang of tests to...
  7. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 9. Data

    Data It was a mixed blessing to finally, finally have a proper body. To feel the warp and weft of subspace as I swam at the crest of my warp-field bow-wave. I could almost cry. I fought very, very hard not to do just that in my human-seeming body, alarming the teachers a little. The stars...
  8. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 8. Flags

    Flags “Next we will hear the presentation from the Vice President in charge of Situational Security,” I said, standing at the front and to one side of the class, checking more things off on my PADD. The PADD was a kid’s model, all bright colors and large buttons, but otherwise fully...
  9. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 7. Interrupts

    Here we go, boys and girls, the top of the rollercoaster... Interrupts “So, I think we can all agree that this experiment has been mostly satisfactory to all parties?” asked T’Lau, peering around the meeting room table. She made a few notes on her PADD at the nods that followed...
  10. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 6. Integration

    Yyyyeah, this is definitely going to be more than 5 chapters. Integration I liked fingerpainting the most. The way the paint dribbled across my skin and down my arm, and the way I could just let the most inefficient algorithms do their worst to approximate what I wanted to put onto the...
  11. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 5. Run

    Okay, okay, an early Xmas present! Run Mommy got to sit her avatar in the brig for a day, as did Ch’Tang. The two chatted together in their cell at human speed, even as they both ran the entirety of their respective Ships and probably had entire virtual spa-dates at Jovian speeds...
  12. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 4. Fork

    Last post before Merry Xmas! Fork I considered going the quick way, via the torpedo tubes, but Mommy might have gotten a bit loud about it, so instead I took the turbo lifts to the cargo bay. I wanted to see the fishies! Yes, yes, I know they’re not fish, but I’m also Very Young so...
  13. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 3. Debug

    Debug There was a moment of disjointed time and then… I was in my new mobility platform. The sensors were weaker than before, but they were mine. Comm links, powersource, thrusters, actuators… I was finally here in the real world! Mommy had eased up on her restrictions as I’d proved myself...
  14. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)
    Threadmarks: 2. Link

    Link Buran looked — looked wasn’t truly correct, she didn’t have eyes, but her gaze did catch every metaphorical swallow’s fall — at her ‘daughter’ with trepidation. One of the first of another new breed of Ship Minds, a third generation in spirit even if not maybe in fact, she had tried...
  15. turbofluffysnek

    Third Gen, or The Next Next Generation (A Not Quite Shodan -fanfic)

    Okay folks, so what we have here is a recursive fanfic of a fanfic set in a cross between Star Trek and The Culture. The originating fanfic is Not Quite Shodan (tropes link) by Hiver. I foresee around five chapters for the whole story, no real timeframe on posting them, but I'll try to get...