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Search results for query: *

  1. TripleMRed

    Source. [Video-Game Multicrossover]
    Threadmarks: Settling In, Pt. 3.

    There wasn't much to say about the time between the end of breakfast and Bella came around to pick them up. Mike and Joe spent the free time waiting by keeping an eye on the news on the TV, finding it a pleasant comfort that it was so....oddly ordinary. The weather, a segment on sports, and even...
  2. TripleMRed

    Source. [Video-Game Multicrossover]
    Threadmarks: Settling In, Pt. 2.

    Mornings came with certain expectations for Mike. Certain 'things' one could expect, and would dread, dealing with. A Combine raid, an animal attack from a feral Houndeye or Bullsquid or, heaven forbid, Headcrab. Even in the relative safety of the Resistance, there was always a mission or patrol...
  3. TripleMRed

    Source. [Video-Game Multicrossover]
    Threadmarks: Settling In, Pt. 1.

    Mike didn't know much about sports, but the 'game' that night had been quite the experience to watch on the TV. Between himself and Joe, the pair of former Rebels found themselves constantly asking questions about it. Apparently, the release of the first 'Mario Party' saw their 'Party' game...
  4. TripleMRed

    Source. [Video-Game Multicrossover]
    Threadmarks: Wake Up and Smell the Ashes, End.

    "Oh mah Gah-" There had been a lot Mike missed from before the Combine invasion and subsequent rule. His family. TV. Eggs. Real earth animal meat. After decades of subsisting off the gunk the Combine passed off as 'food', and then what little the Rebellion could grow or catch, he had come to...
  5. TripleMRed

    Source. [Video-Game Multicrossover]

    (To any of my readers, few though they may be at this moment, hi! I'm Triple, and I wanted to get down and talk a bit about the background development of these first couple of updates for Source, because even I can see we jump into the core idea rather fast. The original first draft for update...
  6. TripleMRed

    Source. [Video-Game Multicrossover]
    Threadmarks: Wake Up and Smell the Ashes, Pt.2

    There had been many things Mike had expected in his life, up to and including the certainty of death fighting the Combine. Hell, he even expected, if only by some small chance, that their rebellion would succeed and they would kick the Combine off Earth. He had expected upon dying a cessation to...
  7. TripleMRed

    Source. [Video-Game Multicrossover]
    Threadmarks: Wake Up and Smell the Ashes, Pt.1

    Wake Up and Smell the Ashes, Pt. 1. - Arizona, May 14, 200- There was little as wonderful as sleeping in. Nothing quite like snuggling up in your bed, letting the wonderful world of dreams come in to entice the imagination, and bring wonder and joy to even the most tired of minds. "Mike...