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Search results for query: *

  1. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)

    Unless the engineering department figures out an IRL infinite ammo cheat, Ragna only having one functioning arm would make trying to use a gun suck, even if he does have the strength to deal with recoil on bigger guns one handed. I've tried reloading (very realistic) guns in VR one handed and on...
  2. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)

    Thanks! I do try. They have a collab going right now that showers players with resources, so not a bad time to get on board even if you don't want any of the collab characters. There's also the anime going right now if you want to get to know Abydos specifically, since this story is going into...
  3. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)

    He did get a bit better about it, but even if he's not going freeze or anything when it's serious doesn't mean the subject is Ragna's favorite thing for casual discussion and the things he'd normally use to deal with them aren't the most accessible right now. That doesn't help. It's also...
  4. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)
    Index: Volume 1 Chapter 1: Midnight Meeting (VI)

    Volume 1 Chapter 1: Midnight Meeting (VI) Day had long since passed, leaving the cloudless night sky full of shining stars above the desert of Abydos. Despite the state of the district, there was still a good amount of life left to the once prosperous school, with a handful of people walking...
  5. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)

    Close, but not quite. She offered to pay for Ragna to stay somewhere after all the help. As anyone knows, Nonomi's only spending limit is her imagination and Hoshino's moral compass. I wish I could say it was just waiting on the anime, but I've been pretty busy with university going on. I...
  6. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)
    Index: Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Taskforce's Troubles (V)

    Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Taskforce's Troubles (V) The gates to what was left of Abydos’s school were a welcome sight to Ragna. The primary building everything was built around was a tan colored wide one three floors high. There were a few other minor buildings around the campus, but all the...
  7. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)
    Index: Volume 1 Chapter 1: Onward to Abydos (IV)

    Volume 1 Chapter 1: Onward to Abydos (IV) Angel 24 was one of the larger convenience store chains in Kivotos. Open 24 hours, as the name implied, it was also where Sora would be working her part-time job, though her's was a little unusual as she would be working directly inside the SCHALE...
  8. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that thought about him. There's gonna be a lot that goes on in Volume 1 that'll make the eventual meeting play out real fun. Oh, you can sure bet on it. No matter the reality, no matter the timeline, Ragna getting extorted for lunch money will always be a...
  9. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)

    Think I fixed it, sorry. Usually used imgur, but guess that's broken now or something? It worked in the preview post for QQ but broken when I actually posted it, I guess.
  10. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)

    Arona's a good girl who'll always try her best. Even if she's merciless with the gacha. Her enthusiasm's always fun to write. Just to make it clear how silly what she's doing is, she's only 135cm tall vs Ragna's 185cm so even with him sitting down she's really gotta try to reach his head...
  11. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)
    Index: Volume 1 Chapter 1: Ragna's Past(III)

    Vol 1 Chapter 1: Ragna's Past(III) The trip back from SRT was tenser for Ragna than he had anticipated. RABBIT Platoon seemed alright and friendly enough, but something about the FOX group was bothering him. However, those thoughts had been forced to the back burner to deal with Rin. He'd sent...
  12. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)
    Index: Volume 1 Chapter 1: Foxes and Rabbits (II)

    Volume 1 Chapter 1: Foxes and Rabbits (II) Despite the smaller number of students, the SRT campus was still pretty large, though Ragna was unsure how it stacked up to the other schools. Heavily militarized, with a great emphasis on practicality over anything else, the place felt more like a...
  13. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)

    Man, she would be a menace yet at the same time fit in perfectly with how off the wall Kivotos can get. Tao's energy and silly antics are so at home there. She'd get along great with the Gourmet club and their quest for the best food, I'm sure. During the lighter moments Kivotos really can get...
  14. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)
    Index: Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Elite School (I)

    Reposting this since forgot to threadmark it when I posted this a few minutes ago, whoops sorry. Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Elite School (I) Ragna had spent the remainder of the day getting to know his office, a thought which was going to take some getting used to, and familiarizing himself...
  15. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)
    Index: Prologue (IV)

    (PROLOGUE IV) Every time Rin thought her day couldn’t keep getting worse, the world decided to take that as a challenge and throw a new obstacle at her. To the point where Rin didn’t even bother expecting to find anything but more problems wherever she went today. And discover more she did...
  16. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)

    Thanks! Ragna's such a fun character to write and deserved a happier ending than he got, so thought he'd be fun in a setting like BA. Next chapter'll be coming in a few days max and should be another 5-6k~ words, pretty close to done. Updates'll probably slow down a gooooooood bit after that...
  17. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)
    Index: Prologue (III)

    PROLOGUE (III) The ride over had been a brief, but interesting one for Ragna. It was his first time ever using a helicopter to move around and it sure beat walking. Given how hurriedly he and everyone else had been rushed out to the battlefield by Rin, he hadn't had any time to get the other...
  18. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)
    Index: Prologue (II)

    PROLOGUE (II) "Sensei. Wake up." Ragna's single functioning eye blinked open a few times as wakefulness returned to him. In front of him was an older teenager, around 160-165cm in height from his guess, with glasses that rested in front of sharp blue eyes. Her ears were unlike that of a...
  19. Omniwhatever

    Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)
    Index: Prologue (I)

    SUMMARY: After obtaining the True Azure to create a new world, Ragna the Bloodedge should've ceased to exist, content the future of his world was safe before disappearing from it. Yet, instead of oblivion, somehow, Ragna found himself still drawing breath in the chaotic city of Kivotos, chaotic...