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  1. Maleficarum

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    I’ll be honest I just haven’t found the last few chapters entertaining. I was here for the MC and well… everything he does is timeskip accomplished and we don’t see the build up or connections and reasonings before it’s long done. Gonna drip for now.
  2. Maleficarum

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    Well I’m happy to see him being more proactive and caring about what’s happening, Bu the fact it took this long and he was bumbling more than half the time because he just didn’t seem to really care instead of just elevating things he didn’t know and trying to learn… really made a big...
  3. Maleficarum

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    Honestly I hope he instills some actual laws or edicts to better protect people from zealotry. Even just preaching Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness alongside stuff like the right to bear arms and the like for self defense against those who would infringe on the previous 3 is good
  4. Maleficarum

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    He should work on his ability with horses. See if he can make some Pegasi out of some normal stock, or at the least some Shadowfax. And if he can… some Hippocampi. If he can make Literal Seahorses, he could convert a lot of Dothraki possibly because well they’d have horses that could Mount the...
  5. Maleficarum

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    Honestly I’m on board the “Really being into the worship” angle. Too many stories are all about the “You’d really hate this”. But like… validation, adoration, all that? That sounds great and many people would let it go to their heads if it happened even if they didn’t have actual super powers...
  6. Maleficarum

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    This work?
  7. Maleficarum

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    More so when with his abilities they can ALL easily be as armored as a Knight if not more so due to advanced formations of molecules if not atomic structures in the materials not even mentioning specific layering at much thinner thicknesses of various materials to create alloys that are tougher...