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  1. Oddboy

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    I'm not even entirely convinced R'hllor is a god. There's a bit too much "throw live people into a fire" for me not to suspect he's some sort of demonic entity. Sure, he could just be an evil god or spirit, but come on. Fire. More fire. Human sacrifice. Human sacrifice by burning people alive...
  2. Oddboy

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    Understandable. And it's probably a very good thing that Jason got a reality check now instead of later, before the power-tripping could really set in and become his normal behavior. It's kinda funny, R'hllor could probably have done more damage to his new rival "god" by just... not doing...
  3. Oddboy

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    Jason's unwillingness to speak with his best friend and most trusted confidante is throwing up some massive red flags for me, not gonna lie. It's an incredibly unwise thing to do, so I hope it's only temporary. If he doesn't shape up... Oh boy, I can see things going badly.
  4. Oddboy

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    ...Holy shit Jason is such an irreverent dumbass. He's never going to be able to escape the divinity BS. xD Not gonna lie, I'm bracing for Irina causing some sort of religious disaster any day now. Or just a regular disaster.
  5. Oddboy

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    No kidding. Having to herd a bunch of religious zealots while being forced to live up to the divine standards his followers will be expecting from him sounds absolutely exhausting to me. Years down the line, I can easily see him having a private retreat built on a mountain top or something...
  6. Oddboy

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    Our intrepid hero may yet come to regret not stomping on that while he still had the chance. But now he's stuck with it if he doesn't want to cause a potentially catastrophic crisis of faith that would see a lot of people dead and/or trying to kill him. Not great a situation to be in, lol.