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Search results for query: *

  1. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    1. This is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STATEMENT. Most groups LITERALLY fight it out. This is why there is such a rampant problem with unfair distributions. We know for a fact this has been a problem for at least one person in our party. There is absolutely no reason for them to take it as what you...
  2. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    I know you are trying to be funny but it is seriously a dick move and remember that some (like du) already had problems with unfair distributions in parties before. Supporting fair distribution to all is seriously something we need to do if we want to keep working with people
  3. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    I think some light resistance makes sense, what doesn't make sense is the scale of it. Yes, if you outright freeze them they shatter and bits fall off like anything living. But if you merely chill them then they do not suffer frostbite, they do not shiver, they do not go numb. Basically they...
  4. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    actually in retrospect a cleaner way to do it is veto bidding... we all bid for it, but if anyone thinks that the winning bid is too low then bidding for that item is vetoed and we instead do a stake system. [x] We each own an equal "stake" in each item dropped. Shards are distributed equally...
  5. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    [x] We each own an equal "stake" in each item dropped. -[x] Propose a bidding system for lesser items, If we can all agree an item is "lesser", aka worth shards (in our opinion everything but the chunk) then we all bid for it, in shards. Whoever bids the most for an item gets to keep it, and...
  6. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    @sirocco I like the bidding system, although I am concerned about people who just don't have enough shards on them might be getting a raw deal. like losing out on something worth a lot more than mere shards. I think it should be stake system. We each own 1/4th stake in each item. For items where...
  7. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    not yet, i know what our next upgrade is going to be besides, smoking one of those super long cigarettes thing is downright required for a refined lady
  8. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    [x] Just go with what you have
  9. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    Remember that we actually do have AoE ourselves, and if we are fighting over 6 enemies we will use it because of the steep penalty to armor from being swarmed. So at that point we are producing a lot of aggro ourselves anyways. Also, we still have room to upgrade our aggro holding skill
  10. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    huh, could have swore it was called adamant skin. Well that completely disproves every idea i ever had about it
  11. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    it seems to me that the reason it doesn't do anything against blunt is that it is adamant skin not adamant body. Its literally making our skin super tough and only our skin. So blunt force trauma is unimpeded, while piercing and slashing gets stopped. Also, it doesn't have to "evolve" into...
  12. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    I honestly expect to eventually have all the skills at C rank, even the other weapon types. Simple because going above C rank is limited by rarer things like slabs. But that is in the long term. In the short term I agree with arkeus.
  13. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    don't cut out the top part of the vote, that includes a special notation of ##### which makes the post in question excluded from other vote counting attempts
  14. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    Now that I am done sqeeing over it, I guess I might have over reacted to the shiny. I still want us to have some "light" elements of that, heck it will be highly practical for reaching the higher levels. But I still want the main focus to be on reaching the top and becoming queen
  15. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    Aren't you buying a bunch of potions? I thought we were voting by entire plan this time
  16. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    [X][Stat Points] Bread and Butter -[X] Strength -[X] Toughness [X][Skills & Job] Plan Placeholder -[X] Greatclub C (10) -[X] Job C (15) -[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5) -[X] Breaker D (5) -[X] Save remaining Shards [X][Misc] Spend No more than 3 shards on Food/Drink. [X][Action] Social Activity...
  17. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    This will be the best thing ever and I would totally vote for this to happen. We can let someone else get to the top of the tower. We have exotic monsters to hunt. yrsillar can this be a thing?
  18. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    I want to upgrade this to see what it upgrades into. we can't get more immune to injected toxins, and completely immunity comes from rank E. does it make us able to digest things like raw trees? or does it make us immune to all toxins even noninjested ones? does it provides some measure of DR...
  19. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    You forget that people can destroy the low level spawn points and as things progress new adventurers will be locked out of shard producing, only consuming By the point in time where what you describe happens (and it will happen to a degree) the difficulty will be too high for most new...
  20. mrttao

    Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

    will we actually experience shard inflation? remember anyone can eat shards for power. and when someone dies the shards they ate don't come back, and new people walk into town all the time