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Search results for query: *

  1. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 12: Future Bossa

    --- Episode 12: Future Bossa --- It was, without a doubt, a very unusual request. There had been cases where he had to find lost pets, entertain the crowds as a magic show’s partner, or even cleaning clogged public park toilets, but something this caliber was basically unheard of… or maybe his...
  2. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 11: Midnight Trip

    --- Episode 11: Midnight Trip --- Vash woke up in a small park full of greenery. At a gazebo with street lights dimly shining over the scenery, he breathed in the cool and fresh night air. Slowly, he got up, catching a stare from behind the table laid out before the bench he was in. Her ring...
  3. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 10: Funky Road

    --- Episode 10: Funky Road --- The day was soon coming to an end. Orange and reddish hue dyed the faculty office, all thanks to an entire side of the room dedicated for panoramic view overseeing the city. As twilight ushered in, the first chills of the evening seeped across the floors. Vash...
  4. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 9: Honey Jam

    --- Episode 9: Honey Jam --- It was early in the morning. A thin layer of mist crawled through the empty streets, casting a tranquil if a bit murky atmosphere to the massive city of academies. Spring had just arrived, so the last dew of winter lingered around in the form of chilly airs which...
  5. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 8: Connected Sky

    --- Episode 8: Connected Sky --- “Right. So lemme sum this up…” Vash lounged around, nibbling on a hard biscuit he still had in his coat pocket. Didn’t expect it to have survived all the chaos he just had gone through recently intact, but it was a small blessing. “Shittim Chest is a super...
  6. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)

    Hah, yeah. It's a really old show, though I use the manga for source materials in this crossover. A fun romp either way. It also scratches my gunslinger battle itch right. Lucky coincidence with the synergy between Trigun and BA. Everything just fits perfectly, and it's awesome. I even got a...
  7. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 7: Mischievous Step

    --- Episode 7: Mischievous Step --- Vash rubbed his stiff shoulder. Man, he really was getting old… or maybe that was because he hadn’t done such a wild stunt for a while. He refrained from taking off his coat though, not exactly a sight he’d want children to see. “Sensei, are you sure...
  8. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 6: Colorful Mess

    --- Episode 6: Colorful Mess --- Rin clasped her hands together. The crisp sound reverberated through the barren reception lobby and brought all attentions to her. Her smile was sweet, albeit not at all reaching up to her eyes. Vash shuddered at the silent, roiling wrath masked by a calm...
  9. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 5: Hello to Halo

    A/N: Might get busy in the next few days. --- Episode 5: Hello to Halo --- Nanagami Rin heaved a sigh. Out of relief, mind you. The General Student Council’s work was critical, but she had given herself a temporary pass to welcome the enigmatic guest from the Outside World. She of all...
  10. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 4: Aoharu

    A/N: Spring is here, at last. --- Episode 4: Aoharu --- Vash stared blankly at the closed doors. As a vibrant whistling rang from above, the train compartment lurched forward. It jerked, hisses of hydraulic and brakes pulled back for the engine to resume its work. The train’s acceleration...
  11. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 3: The Train's Leaving

    --- Episode 3: The Train's Leaving --- An old satellite orbited the planet. In the form of a mechanical seahorse with a chrome-colored shell, the scope of its observatory device extended far and wide-reaching; a testament to the might of the hyper-advanced, space-faring human civilization...
  12. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 2: Ballad of Stories

    --- Episode 2: Ballad of Stories --- The dim lighting flickered again before the power grid stabilized. Usually, low rumbling could be felt here and there, but dinner time had long passed. It was just the occasional night owls or overtime workers who would linger around the maintenance...
  13. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)

    Well, he is a certified outlaw with a bounty of 60 billion double-dollars. Can throw around flairs and insanely skilled but reckless a lot of times. Since he also wears (sun)glasses that also makes Mutsuki naturally gravitate around him just to mess with him. Kivotos will be a breath of fresh...
  14. Eisen

    Heaven's Door (Trigun Maximum-Blue Archive)
    Threadmarks: Episode 1: Back-to-back

    - HEAVEN'S DOOR - All credits reserved to: Trigun Maximum, by Yasuhiro Nightow Blue Archive, by NAT Games, Nexon --------------- In the yet to be seen distant future— In a place beyond reaches… The song of humanity continued to be sung— The air was hot and dry. Well past afternoon, the...