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Search results for query: *

  1. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 56

    -North Warrens, Razor Ridge- The jagged slopes of Razor Ridge shook with cries of conquest. Within its narrow innards, the battle for the North Warrens was quickly reaching its climax. Inch by bloody inch, the Kobold army of Skegga was pushed back by the sheer mass of teeth and steel that the...
  2. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 55

    -North Warrens, Black Gulch- For the races of Thea, magic is a curious phenomenon. Some say magic is derived from the Gods. It is a Gift bequeathed to only a chosen few who show devotion to a specific deity. For such weavers of magic, their powers are a product of divine ordainment – a sign...
  3. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 54

    "Skeever…you crazy son of a bitch. Literally." Marcus looked down at the destruction being wrought on the battlefield of Razork's field for the second time. This time, however, the devastation of Skegga's forces would be decisive. This is your Ardennes Offensive, old toad, Marcus had thought...
  4. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 53

    From his vantage point at the front of his makeshift gun-emplacement before the entrance to the East Warren tunnels, Corvaughn of House Darragut watched his enemies burn with righteous indignation. "Take a good look, lads," he said, sniffing the intoxicating aroma of gunpowder – the greatest...
  5. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 52

    Skegga’s army was a wave of bloodlust. Each kobold coalesced into a single, writhing organic mass, issuing a battle cry that echoed through the entire North Warrens. “RUN, MY CHILDREN!” the slime-clad God sang above them, flashing his spear bearing the decapitated head of the ‘Shai-Alud.’...
  6. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 51

    "Are you prepared, Sire?" Marcus stood atop Fort Spearclaw's battlements, watching the last of the Spineripper squads move into their allotted places on the battlefield that was soon to be made of the village's plains once again. The Glumrot spearmen and Pox-Throwers had already signaled that...
  7. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 50

    -East Warrens, Clan Marrow territory- Ix scrabbled to the top of the rock ledges that afforded him a view of his primary objective. These Eastern tunnels were far less hospitable than those of the North Warrens. The jagged rocks cut into his feet and he and his men had required great strength...
  8. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)

    Oh I absolutely know what you mean. Don't worry. No Mary Sue's here to ruin our fun ;)
  9. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 49

    "It will be a two-pronged assault", Marcus was saying to his new war-council, standing at the very top-end of King Shrykul's table. "He'll move through Razork, cut off our Glitterpak farms, and then head South until he hits Fleapit. Meanwhile, his secondary force will cut off a potential retreat...
  10. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 48

    The grand cathedral of the Unclean One stood tall and bright amidst the dark depths of Fleapit's underbelly. Its clangorous chimes, otherworldly glow, and stained glass windows depicting ratman heroes throughout time stood as a testament to the empire of filth and decay that now sought to...
  11. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 47

    In the dreary depths of Fleapit's dungeons, a single Yokun waited for death. The rusted pinnacles that dug into her wrists and legs cut her flesh with every move she made to free herself. She'd learned, moments upon being interred within the sandstone walls of this tomb packed with dirt, that...
  12. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)

    Thanks for telling me, chief. Gonna fix that right up. Also in terms of spine, you ain't seen nothing yet. Check out this chapter...
  13. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 46

    In a cold chamber where only the dimmest light of a flickering flame burned for warmth, Verulex of Clan Glumrot lay sweating, his body doing what it could to rid its host of the toxins that had addled his veins. "By…the Unclean," he muttered in his sleep. "May that Yokun…drown…in...
  14. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 45

    Note: Alright troops, it's my birthday tomorrow so I'm taking some shore leave. No new chapters tomorrow. Fantasy General will be back on Friday with a chapter that you won't want to miss... Marcus sat silently in his chambers, his fingers drumming into the stone armrests of his chair that...
  15. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 44

    "Festicus…" Marcus stared down at the felled rat, watching as his great furrowed head lulled and fell to the side. "Festicus!" "He issss being gone, Ssssire," Verulex said behind him. Marcus bent low and tried to rouse the great brute that had saved his life, denying that he was about to let...
  16. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 43

    Upon the tallest silo of Fleapit's foundries, a duel was about to break out that would determine the fate of the entire Underkingdom. Marcus often recalled tales of such duels in the books he loved to peruse as a child – fanciful stories of men and women going off to conquer fantastical realms...
  17. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 42

    Marcus closed his eyes to the heap of shit and piss that assailed his senses, traveling up his nose and smearing itself across his pale face as the Yokun hit-squad dragged him through the Festering Fountain supply pipe. He only opened his eyes and drew deep the dank air of Fleapit when the...
  18. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 41

    Marcus resisted the urge to administer another headbutt to the assassin-hit squad as the second youngest of the team – the one that seemed more attached to the elder Yokun than Marcus's captor - pulled him up by the scruff of his neck and heaved him over to the doorway. "Any openings?" "None...
  19. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 40

    Marcus felt his throat bulge with an intake of Fleapit's dank air as he watched all his efforts over the last few weeks vanish, literally, into the air. The ratmen he and his captor had left behind saw them, too, and he realized that this operation was more sophisticated than even he had given...
  20. IronLung

    Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 39

    'War is the assassin's trade' -Percy Bysshe Shelley Marcus stared at the thin, slightly curved arm of steel that protruded out from the snake-humanoid's cloaked form. His eyes then traced its lithe torso, seeing the thin dark wrappings that clung to its skin, clearly well suited for a...