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Search results for query: *

  1. Anon E Mouse

    Firearms for little species

    Remember the context of the original idea was that you have an apocalyptic collapse on your hand as a modern world is smushed together with several fantasy worlds. So while ideas about what new guns might be created for the newfound tiny people market is interesting it doesn't really fit the...
  2. Anon E Mouse

    Firearms for little species

    Overall some very good analysis of the issue. And yes people are seriously undervaluing the .22lr but they always do. I think you'd see lots of cut down skeletonized .22lr, and .22WM in use by small races in such a circumstance. 5.7x28 is simply not popular and widespread enough to last in...
  3. Anon E Mouse

    Firearms for little species

    Yeah I'm mostly coming up blank with personal firearms something their size can use. I can absolutely see Kobolds going full WW1 and running around with crew-served weapons. They're already pretty much full-on communists by the lore with communal hatcheries and creches, and very little in the...
  4. Anon E Mouse

    Firearms for little species

    Ran across some notes I made a while back for a plot bunny about an apocalypse where a modern earth suffers a dimensional merge with a couple of other D&D style fantasy Earths. Resulting in a mixed up world that's a strange patchwork of modern and fantasy. And I found myself wondering about...