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Search results for query: *

  1. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)

    Here's a brief spoiler PS - Your lore dumps literally make my day. I can't respond to most of them because they'd spoil future plot points but I love reading them XD
  2. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)

    Spot on Analysis. Daeron's action's at bitter bridge were horrific, but even if I don't excuse them I will say that he is more justified than almost any other Targaryen who commited atrocities before or since given he's just lost his nephew, and when he was so close too. Aegon the Conqueror and...
  3. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)

    I'm not saying it won't be that Aemond won't be building a rapport or relationship with Adara, in the same way that I won't say that he WILL. Right now, neither Luke or Aemond can be the Fire to Adara's Ice in the great song. Neither of them are fit, but that doesn't mean they're immediately...
  4. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)

    Heads up - I added a couple of lines to the last chapter to elaborate a bit more on how meddlesome the Raven has been. Next Chapter - The Face Of The Enemy
  5. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)

    Daemon's hypocrisy and Viserys's dumbassery were never in question, and were at least 40% of the instigating Fire for the Dance.
  6. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)
    Threadmarks: Adara

    Though they had struck an alliance of circumstance in the face of a greater threat - or had been forced to, more like - Adara still knew very little of the true nature of the Earthsingers. That left her wary Attempting to navigate her way out of the cave systems where the score of them she'd...
  7. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)

    I have not watched the planet of the apes movie, a mistake I will rectify after posting the next chapter. The origins of dragonriders will be hinted at and discussed in time, but not too soon or too quickly otherwise poor Daemon might have a conniption and explode from sheer stress, and as much...
  8. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)

    This is some awesome stuff - I'll be using it. I've been working on the next chapter and it's nearing completion, so expect it soon!
  9. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)
    Threadmarks: The Song Undone

    This was supposed to be an Adara POV, but the setup was too critical so I'm leaving that for the next chapter. ... Aemond was never one to rest easy, be it in mind or body. Between the trials of his daily duties of a prince - flexible as those were for a mere second son who was third in...
  10. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)

    Adara is about early thirteen to fifteen (haven't mentally locked her down yet, but definitely in that range), more or less, and this is a serious fic exploring more of the high magic fantasy that ASAOIF teases but never really delves into because the politics are more immediately fascinating...
  11. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)

    There are multiple reasons that Lucerys dove after them. One of them was part deeply repressed guilt over the fucked up nightmare scenario he had going with Aemond since Driftmark, helped along by the fact that he heard Aemon shout and try to get Vhagar to back off after Arrax tried to...
  12. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)
    Threadmarks: Shipbreaker Bay

    "Take Prince Lucerys back to his dragon. Now." A part of Luke knew right then and there that he had just been sentenced to death. As he stood there in the middle of Storm's End's Round Hall, drenched and soaked to the bone, with his uncle all but frothing at the mouth to get at him, a...
  13. Firewillreign

    A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    A crossover AU between House of the Dragon and The Ice Dragon by George RR Martin, because fuck Targryen politics. If you self-destructive assholes want to fight, I'll throw you a goddamn APOCALYPSE!!! Inspired by the fic the Dragons Of Ice and Fire. Before someone crucifies me for starting...