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Search results for query: *

  1. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Late Night Shenanigans, Plus Raven Gets A Call.

    Blake was very good at faking being asleep. Her mother had trained her in the art of the kunoichi, and she'd been a very good student. So she waited until everyone was asleep, snoring away softly, before she made her move. Granted, this was more difficult than usual. Everyone was on high alert...
  2. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Jaune's Day Comes to an End.

    Things were surprisingly calm in the aftermath of Cinder's departure. Sure Winter had lead a quick yet efficient search of the school's grounds to confirm that Cinder had indeed left, but other than that not much exciting had happened before dinnertime rolled around. They decided as a group to...
  3. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    Luck. Protects fools, lost children, and ships called Enterprise.
  4. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Sun's Team Returns to Campus

    Neptune Vasilias had been out in Vale all day, trying to pick up tourists here for the Vytal Festival. While he'd had some bites, most of the girls he'd talked with had not been interested. The blue-haired young Hunter-in-Training was thus quite depressed as he trudged back into Beacon proper...
  5. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Cinder At The Safe-house

    - - - It was a bit of a minor miracle they'd managed to escape. Salem though had given Cinder maps of the ancient castle's secrets. How Salem had gotten them was not a question Cinder had asked, though she had some guesses. They'd managed to get down to the grotto, clambered into the boat with...
  6. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    Nah, she was totally Satan. Or at least this world's version of it.
  7. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Arslan's Parents Get A Call.

    Aelia Paravel was one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities still standing within the Kingdom of Mistral, and perhaps the whole world. As such it has carried many titles over the centuries: The Crossroads of Anima, The Lower Court, The Oasis of Justice, The City of Kings, The Holy Place...
  8. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Willow Gets a Call

    - - - Schnee Mansion Atlas, Northern Solitas - - - Willow Schnee sat on her couch and lazily watched the goings on in her garden. Her cranes were looking healthier than before-She would have to thank the vet next time he showed up. Or both vets. At the time she'd been a bit soused...
  9. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Extras: Which Mother Goes With Which Child.

    1. Pyrrha, Mother of Xander. 2. Ruby, Mother of Julian. 3. Weiss, Mother of Nicholas. 4. Blake, Mother of Leander and Leandra. 5. Yang, Mother of Xia. 6. Emerald, Mother of Amethyst. 7. Cinder, Mother of Ash and Ashley. 8. Glynda, Mother of Dorothy. 9. May Zedong, Mother of August. 10. Arslan...
  10. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: August upends his Mother's world a second time

    - - - August sighed in some relief as everyone settled back down to keep an eye on Moses. He was still worried about Cinder, but he was pretty confident everyone would be able to handle her. He knew the stories from Aunt Pyrrha, after all. Speaking of which, he smiled warmly at the redhead...
  11. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Extras: The Arc Sisters

    As for the Arc Sisters and their references: -Saphron Cotta-Arc: Eldest, happily married to Terra Cotta, lives in Argus. She is an editor at a publishing house while Terra is a technician for the Argus CCT System. Her canon self. About nine years older than Jaune. Son named Adrian. -Aqua...
  12. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: The Rest of the Arc Family Gets the News.

    Radian Arc Farm - - - Isabel Arc barged in through the front door, the impact making the MANY pictures hanging from the walls shake. "ACK!" Lilac Arc, a beautiful young woman of twenty-three with her hair in a loose ponytail over one shoulder, started. She looked up from the living room...
  13. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    Thank you!
  14. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Jaune and Cinder Talk

    - - - Cinder stared. She worked her jaw for a moment, before she held up her hands. "All I want to do is talk," she said quietly. Much scoffing ensued. Emerald glared daggers at her former mistress. Xander's glare was a thing of legend, his weapons out and fully charged. "You snuck back into...
  15. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Ash and Ashley Tell All.

    "How often do you get nightmares?" Jaune inquired as he got close to Ashley's bedside. Her brother answered for her. "Before we turned eight, never," Ash got out of his bed as he carefully felt around the edges of his scar. "After we turned eight? About once a week, sometimes more?" "What...
  16. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    She might have more family, I haven't really thought about it.
  17. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    That is what I was going for. That Athena is often so overwhelming Glynda will just say whatever she has to in order to calm her down. And yeah, the interpretation will be interesting. I mean I wrote her that way for White Knight Errant, but she honestly has ZERO characterization (not even a...
  18. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Athena Nikos Gets the News

    - - - Athena Nikos sighed in her country manor in Mistral. She looked out upon the gardens of her estate, standing in repose. She was a beautiful woman, with long red hair and a figure that rivaled her daughter's. She wore a red house dress and expensive jewelry. She was surrounded by the very...
  19. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Taiyang And Qrow get the news.

    - - - It wasn't like Taiyang Xaio-Long was completely ignorant of his daughters' exploits. The insurance bills and Qrow kept him up to date on a lot of their... Exploits. Even so, to have Glynda Goodwitch calling at this hour was unexpected. He held back a wince and sat down at his desk as the...
  20. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!
    Threadmarks: Jaune and Emerald have a Heart to Heart

    Depends on what Sift Green wants to do since it's his fic and I'm just helping out. And yes, there will be. - - - If someone had told her when she got out of bed that morning that she would be spending a good chunk of her afternoon in the medical wing waiting for complete strangers to...