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Search results for query: *

  1. [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    Why do I suddenly picture Miss Frizzle when I picture the Good Doctor?
  2. [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    Guess it didn't occur to Cinder that swiping Emerald's scroll won't matter now, since the Sabyr's Out of the Bag since the kids would have revealed what they knew about Cinder's plans to if not Ozpin, then to their parents. Not to mention blindly trusting Mercury is still on her side, and isn't...
  3. [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    A lofty goal considering his competition... Seriously though, I thought he was going to break out the whole Khan Rant there!
  4. [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    Hmm...interesting that you went with the Fanon farmer backstory for Jaune, and that he's from a town inVale and not Domremy in Mistral. Still, it looks like Jaune will either go the Super Harem Route (with Pyrrah as the Main Wife) or will make a trip to the local sperm bank. Though the second...