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Search results for query: *

  1. FTR2017

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Well, on the bright side ... a well-trained Wobuffett with such a bullshit item can rain the pain on such an overpowered beast like Grundy. Maybe that'll teach him some patience? ... Heh, who am I kidding? Grundy'll be salty as all hell! :v
  2. FTR2017

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    There are hazards like Toxic Spikes and Stealth Rock, which remain on the battlefield--but can be removed via Defog or Spin. I meant those two, so apologies for not clarifying on my earlier post.
  3. FTR2017

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I've got to admit, I'm intrigued by Quagsire's backstory. And the fight was very good for Bradley--it showed him that a participant who's interested in 'drawing' with him is seeking to preserve their strength and element of surprise for a future fight. It also showed him that he needs some...
  4. FTR2017

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Perfectly fair. Though I must admit, I look forward to the day that SI!Bradley actually meets an E-ranked pokemon who proceeds to pull a Saitama on his team. ... Bonus points if it is a bloody Bidoof of all things. :v
  5. FTR2017

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Simon did his best, and boy did he pull off one win and one double knock-out while at it! I also couldn't help but cackle at the fact that Ma-Ma and that other bear knew one another ... and the male surrendered while at it! Top comedy, that one! As for the prizes, wouldn't the King's Rock be...
  6. FTR2017

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Funny chapter, good to see SI!Bradley making connections with gentlemen of good standing who breed 'mons, all while suffering from hearing blabber-mouthed scientists as he works. Also, a very nice shout-out to the events happening with Team Flare and their stupidity. I must admit that I'm...
  7. FTR2017

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I call it being efficient, for in efficiency one maximizes profit for the least effort. ;)
  8. FTR2017

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    This one gave me big Lupin the 3rd vibes, from how amusing it came out when I read it. :) Lovely double release, I gobbled up every word of them. ;)
  9. FTR2017

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Yes, yes to both. And Carolyne's got an (mis)understanding with Brad, as she's grown rather attached to the shiny swinub and probably thought that Brad'd take her. But I digress--Pryce sure had a good eye for quality, quite sneaky of him to have Junior outside of the 'share' ... .
  10. FTR2017

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I found this thread by a recommendation in another thread that also is a pokemon story--and when I saw who was writing it? I clicked on that link faster than a fat kid eats cake! I am loving the characterization you're giving all of the 'mons, making them their own characters rather than...