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Search results for query: *

  1. Oglymogly

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Ice Spinner also clears the battle field of hazards, so there's some heavy irony in him thinking about hazards after seeing the move.
  2. Oglymogly

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Maybe that's why he still has the Quagsire. The kind of guy he is, he's never going to give him up.
  3. Oglymogly

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I knew about the one item limit, but forgot it was in this tourney that he revealed the Berry Strat. His opponent should have tried to do more research then.
  4. Oglymogly

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Man, how did you sneak in a cliffhanger in at the start of a chapter? Dude, inserting yourself into a Ace's romance will only end in tears. Of course, we already know that's how it ended, just not why. I disagree, I think relying on a rusty 'mon is a bad idea. If he had a week to bring him up...
  5. Oglymogly

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Absolutely brutal. I love it. Also, great showing off how berries other than Lum and Sitrus berries can be incredibly useful, they dont get used in stories enough. Its a real shame he can only use one time per match.
  6. Oglymogly

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    My current guess is that he's a shadow pokemon, and his trainer was a Rocket. My question is why is he keeping it? From what he said I have to assume hes planning on dropping it and running if he ever gets in over his head, like he runs into rampaging pseudo legendaries, or actual legendaries.
  7. Oglymogly

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    As a visitor, he may have been restricted on how many 'mon he was allowed to take, or what species. Governments often restrict that kind of thing, and I cant imagine it would be less restrictive when the animals in question have superpowers.
  8. Oglymogly

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    So what do you think will piss Pryce off more? The MC "breaking in" and finding Junior, or finding out that all of the Swinub's can evolve, no extra steps needed? Great chapter, thanks for sharing!
  9. Oglymogly

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I'm so glad to see you writing! I'm really enjoying this story so far, I'm excited to see the payoffs to the bits you've been teasing.