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  1. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Yeah ill be honest as much as I love that we got to see a miniature Kaiju fight its the way he lost that irritates me. It may not have been intentional but the way this ladies done things just screams hitting way below her weight class. Especially with her just coincidentally having such a niche...
  2. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Man sucks this isnt a double chappy update. And I hope we see Grundy make an appearance. Its the perfect opportunity to. Grundy will get a fight thats worth it and his opponents will be strong enough to survive his onslaught. Plus he wouldn't field him at all if he couldnt work with him.
  3. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Simon did fantastic in this tournament. And Ma Ma meeting a former side piece who instantly gave up is funny as hell.
  4. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Honestly think hes gonna be Adamant as a Golurk. Cause Lets be real that is absolutely what Simon is.
  5. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I mean im guesstimating its north of Johto based on the location of its IRL counterpart but you do you.
  6. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Honestly he could get one of the Garchomp line if he heads north to Kitakami since the lines native there. And given how the Sandygast line is created he could get one of those easily. Hell he could get a shiny one easily. Just go to a volcanic beach. Cinabar likely has at least one. And as for...
  7. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    An absolutely fantastic set of chapters. Just loving the strategies hes using. And heres hoping these Soil samples arnt a dud like the last ones he got were. Also any bets hes gonna be facing that Meganium?
  8. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I mean if you think about it in this setting Pauls mindset is a valid one. Here pokemon clearly have limits on their potential excluding external tampering. Unlike in the anime were hard work is king and anybody can reach massive heights.
  9. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Alphas can also just be those who have a broken limit.
  10. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Fantastic work as always. Also first time ive seen that Natures can change but if you think about it it makes sense. Im quite curious on why you made Grundys potential so low(for whatever that means for an Alpha). Unless your theory about Alphas has merit. Which will be hard to tell unless he...
  11. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Any chance the mc can stop by Mt. Hideaway? Its near Pallet Town and is home to an absolutely massive Onix that is likely A+ or S in potential.
  12. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    A fantastic showing by both K. Rool and Simon. I love seeing the Sadile line fight. And man Simon went full shonen. Loved the clever way you mentioned the Iron Fist ability.
  13. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Might not have been able to reach their area in time or didnt find one with a potential that was good enough.
  14. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    He wouldnt be going to a new region since Kitakami is considered to be right next to Johto. North of Ecreteak of we take its IRL counterpart into consideration. Also im pretty sure Gible are found there to.
  15. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I mean id only consider it unique cause nobody else has ever evolved an Ursaring during a Blood Moon(Total Lunar Eclipse) since im pretty sure thats the only requirement. It seems to be so rare cause of three things. That being its a lost evolution, it requires a special item(Peat Block), and...
  16. ThunderBasilisk

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    Oh my god ive been waiting for this! A Ground Specialist! My favorite Type! And you have one of the Sandile line! Also love the direction you taking the Peat Block. And speaking of given Ma Mas temperament does that mean we might see her evolve into the BM variant? Normally id say let her become...