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  1. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    I don’t like venison wandering through my neighborhood eating the trees we’re trying to grow. Is that something Brits are into?
  2. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    And that’s also why you’ve got tons of deer running around eating all the greenery.
  3. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    We’re a social species. Tigers like to approach from the back, and we watch each others’ backs.
  4. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Oh, look, Treble has no idea what he’s talking about again. Must be a day ending with Y. Do you have the slightest idea how much killing off an apex predator fucks up the environment? Bears are omnivores, and most of their diet is plant-based.
  5. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    May the 4th be with you.
  6. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Sucks to suck, I guess.
  7. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Happy Palindrome Week (and a half)!
  8. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    I got to see the totality, and it was amazing. Also, I discovered that it’s very, very easy to tell when the totality is over. And painful.
  9. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Depends: Are they an idiot or an addict?
  10. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    The foreshadowing is getting really blatant at this point.
  11. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Or if he’s drinking something else. I’ve been involuntarily sober for a long time now - well, I suppose it’s technically voluntary, I just don’t like seizures - and I still think it’s funny to say I need a fucking drink before I chug a can of seltzer.
  12. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Speaking from personal experience, wanting things to flow perfectly - among other things, mind - led to a multiple year hiatus that I’m still struggling to find my way out of.
  13. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Thanks for all the kind words and wishes. I’m still not doing great - the little guy was my baby - but I’m not feeling quite so awful. Which probably means the ball hasn’t really dropped yet, but hey, I’ll take what respite I can get.
  14. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    I don’t think so. I checked for blockages, and the wheezing wasn’t anything like a choking cat. The vet said the symptoms I was describing sound like his heart just gave out.
  15. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Not sure if this is the right thread for this or if there’s a Rants thread that’d work better, but my cat died suddenly this morning. And when I say suddenly, I mean fed him breakfast, he tried to gulp it down like a greedy little fuck, then half an hour later minutes later I found him in the...
  16. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Happy public domain day!
  17. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Invent a time machine, then explain to yourself that this is why you never tell your family about your writing.
  18. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    On the contrary: They’re extremely efficient. Just not very precise. But you’re probably still going to make a good stew if you don’t get out the protractor and ruler every time a recipe says to cut meat into 1” cubes.
  19. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Wolfram Alpha says the answer is 9.
  20. Amazon Climber

    General chat thread

    Nah. I’m not going to keep arguing when the actual answer is ‘put the shit that should be in the divisor under a line and the shit that should be a numerator on top of a line.’ Nobody argues that this… _48__ 2(9+3) …Is ambiguous.