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Search results for query: *

  1. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    As Skyrim modders have repeatedly demonstrated; leave it to porn to drive innovation. Just about every innovation in terms of scripting in that games history has been to facilitate porn.
  2. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Commit sudoku and join the Sith. Its the only way.
  3. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    None of that has anything to do with order of operations, algebra, tan and cosin, etc. Literally all your saying is Americans use a different conversion. Congratulations, so do computers. Its irrelevant to the discussion.
  4. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Math is taught to an international standard. Its why the math curriculum hasn't actually changed in decades. Guardian is actually right, there is not argument at all to be had here. Any classroom or nation that teaches otherwise isn't teaching to said international standard.
  5. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Yes. Very much so. :(
  6. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Honestly I would recommend replacing the prologue. Its very easy to be bogged down it. Ritsuka handles the prologue, Shirou handles some issue at Chaldea. Kirei shows up in part 2. Your a while off him.
  7. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Yes. He's described as doing so several times.
  8. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Server just moved hosts and needs to reindex. Don't worry about it unless they don't show up in a few days.
  9. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    I've been there. That was me at fifteen. They found a lot of little things wrong with me. That's the thing with little things, they aren't individually enough to do anything about. Hang in there.
  10. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Generally when you use the nations name, you refer to the nations government or the actual land. For example, I say America sucks, there's not really any doubt I'm referring to the political system, since it's what is known for being controversial. Likewise, if I say Australia sucks, its more...
  11. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    It was the most offensive combination of the names I could think of, so good. It means you had the right reaction. This is why collective names are a bad thing.
  12. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Questionably Spaced, a Sufficient Group Name.
  13. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    P0 is usually the emergency code for a critical hardware or software failure and no one knows what, exactly, failed. Basically, something critical died for a bit. It is, like Darren said, sufficiently bad that people who normally are meant to be off-site were probably called in for additional...
  14. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    ... Right I need to get back to writing that...
  15. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Donations and/or mod status. Green and Orange as I understand are actually related to whether you've made a one off or recurring donations, and I believe there is another color for super mods? Something like that.
  16. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Well, Schools back in and with it, the million and one administrative nightmares that come with. On the flipside, I have Rise and the modding scene has started up. I could be much worse. However, regional Australia has a major meat shortage, so I'm having to make the meat I do have last. I've...
  17. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Which is fucking embarrassing, given, you know, they can't actually respond to changes in competition. Which must make me fucking depressing, given I can't even maintain a voterbase.
  18. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    I'll be blunt, this also really, really is not appropriate for this thread and likely falls afoul of rule 8 due to the circumstances surrounding it. If you want to discuss this, you probably should be on one of the sister sites.
  19. BlackHadou

    General chat thread

    Bullies attack anyone they perceive as 'weaker' then them. Age rarely comes into it.
  20. BlackHadou

    General chat thread
