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Search results for query: *

  1. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    How do I make my fics less cringe?
  2. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    Am I spineless?
  3. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    My family is trying to find a therapist for me.
  4. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    Seeing how many newer works are flawed (or so I have been told), should I double down on my own perfectionism so my fics can be better then the shows that they are based on?
  5. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    Is fic adoption here possible?
  6. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    I have five chapters left for book one in one of my fic series. I may finally be able to finish something even if it is technically part of a series.
  7. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    Is it wrong to not have any opinions of my own and just go with what other people say? I do that with a lot of media.
  8. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    I’m thinking of completely moving to AO3. The constant need to update for the sake of engagement combined with my ADHD shitting out WIPs is giving too much pressure. Reading a lot from the FF subreddit, completing everything before you write and only having three WIPs is recommended but with the...
  9. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    I don’t understand why people are telling me I shouldn’t be worried about the pacing of my story. I just want things to flow perfectly, I don’t care if I’ve already published those chapters.
  10. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    I do stuff on my iPad.
  11. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    How do I copy and paste from google docs?
  12. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    How do I write the feeling of something tasting good?
  13. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    Yeah my troubles for this fic are diffirent then my other fic.
  14. Daytripper

    General chat thread

  15. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    Now that you mention that, I’m now starting to have similar issues with a sister fic of mine.
  16. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    I’m just worried about conflicting with lore.
  17. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    So I’m debating on whether to continue a fic of mine due to canon having twists that hurt one of the central emotional points of the fic. I’ve asked people on the on the FanFiction subreddit and on this site what to do and they say I should keep chugging along and ignore canon. However, one...
  18. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    I don’t understand why some people think i need help. Sure I have moments, but I’m usually fine in the end.
  19. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    So I’m going to try working on four chapters at once of a story I’m doing. Wish me luck.
  20. Daytripper

    General chat thread

    I’ve only told them that it’s a Danny Phantom fic and that’s it. What I didn’t tell them that it’s a crossover with a certain adult animated web show about a bunch of horny demons that kill people for a loving and the title character gets in a relationship with a certain anthropomorphic dog...