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Search results for query: *

  1. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    Leaving out the obvious possibility of infidelity? Lifestyle. Humans as a whole have solid potential to be good looking if they take care of themselves and otherwise aren't fucked over by the innumerable pitfalls that are congenital disorders, accidents, and diseases. The number of people...
  2. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    Tried? We were succeeding. Granted, we were only succeeding because Britain was spending most of its resources dealing with Napoleon. And the USA knew that, which was why we accepted returning the land we'd conquered as part of the peace treaty. And also promised not support Napoleon. Which...
  3. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    ... The American War of Independence was officially declared 1775 (plus about a decade of increasing unrest that's considered the 'American Revolution' before then), and ended 1783. The war of 1812, as the name implies, was about 29 years later.
  4. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    A huge part of it was shit being started by France that distracted the British forces- they could fight America, and almost certainly win. Or they could fight France and maybe win. Both was never really in the cards. Came up again later in the war of 1812.
  5. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    They actually do that. Not specifically the forecasters, because they're just the guys delivering the information. But the prediction software that can't get 85+% success rates? Don't get used.
  6. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    Don't know enough about Cuba to say, but chicken fried (often called country fried) hamburger steak is a big thing in the American south. https://southerncastiron.com/chicken-fried-hamburger-steak-gravy/ It's actually delicious. And chicken fried steak sandwiches are popular just about...
  7. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    Depends on genetics and age. Some people? No significant effect on the blood pressure, though the increase in stomach cancer and osteoporosis still isn't all that great. Other people- especially overweight, elderly, and/or black individuals- Even a small amount of excess salt can ravage the...
  8. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    I agree. Mostly I'm mad at everyone else who could be making things like this. But don't. RMA 510. https://www.stihlusa.com/products/lawn-mowers/push-mowers/rma510/ And apparently they're offering an extra battery free. You lucky bastard.
  9. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    Okay, so this story... takes a bit of setup. As I've said a few times, I live next door to a swamp. By which I mean 'my back yard would be part of the swamp if I didn't keep driving back the weeds'. Now, part of that driving back is that once the water table finally drops below soil height, I...
  10. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    I... might be misremembering and it was tree-eating fungi rather than bacteria. It's been a while and I don't exactly have eidetic memory. Either way, such organisms didn't yet exist. Though both fungi and bacteria evolved long before trees. Random aside: my spellchecker thinks I should...
  11. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    Honestly? We have no evidence against, and a lot of evidence in favor, of the possibility that higher order prehistoric life used many of the same pack tactics as modern ones do. Meaning that in terms of skill and intelligence, they would at rival what we have today. The real killer is oxygen...
  12. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    A hunting license isn't exactly an onerous expense. Chances are, you'll be spending more on the ammo than the permission. It's mostly that the aristocrats don't want people to own guns and are looking for every excuse to limit access. And the guy who just shot his neighbor's house is an easy...
  13. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    Single offense for illegally shooting a deer? Mandatory 1200$ in fines, revocation of hunting license for a year (if you even have one), maybe partial suspension of your FOID- aka: you can still keep the guns you own, but can't legally use them or buy a new one for six months to a year. But...
  14. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    ... Know what? I'm just going to pretend you guys realized I was joking and are running with it.
  15. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    Honestly? As far as animals go, North America's definitely the more dangerous in aggregate than Australia. Australia has a few really dangerous snakes and bugs, and then the emu... North America has... let's see... Moose, bison, wolves, brown bears, meaner whiter brown bears, five of the top...
  16. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    What if you're in one of those parts of the world that use day/month/year formatting? You know, like savages.
  17. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    I'm aware. That's why I acknowledge that your grandma's recipe is actual medicine, because if aspirin counts, so does this. As opposed to chicken broth, which is useful in that it's easy to keep down, but it doesn't have medicinal properties. Technically you can reach dangerous points with...
  18. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    In this case, I'm betting it's mainly honey and garlic's anti-inflammatory properties at work. Oh, don't get me wrong, good nutrition is good nutrition, but only the milk is lacking in actual chemical boosters. Also... milk has a lot of sugar, itself. Lactose and galactose break down into...
  19. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    It was a mess, but I payed attention and, with the advantages of hindsight, more evidence than what the jury got to see, and the advantages of a walkthrough during a law class in college... I'm pretty sure he did it. I'm not beyond a reasonable doubt. Were I on the jury, I would not have...
  20. TanaNari

    General chat thread

    I know, right. It's my fetish and I'm getting tired of it. Elon, this one's yours. C'mon, California, don't let us down! ... Does it have to be human?