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Search results for query: *

  1. Gforce1000

    Building RWBY CYOA

    Interesting. Crescent Rose would be between 18-24 hundred depending on how you judge the range, and that's one of the more complex weapons we see, rivaled mainly by Milo+Akuo and Neptune's trident. (I'm going off of the most complex weapons in canon because theoretically you shouldn't need...
  2. Gforce1000

    Building RWBY CYOA

    I did mean for the categories to be very broad. I'm actually going to go change some things to be less specific. Maybe I'm worried because I don't know how much lien someone will have to play with on the weapon section and the +200s seem to add up quick with that system. This would probably be...
  3. Gforce1000

    Building RWBY CYOA

    I feel like that penalizes people for trying to make a cool, unique weapon. In RWBY. I guess the main test would be "can you make all of the Canon weapons with this system?"
  4. Gforce1000

    Building RWBY CYOA

    Hm. Alright, I've got an idea for how to structure that if you're interested. Start with three "Function" categories, which are Melee, Ranged, and Miscellaneous. Within these categories you have different weapon types, like in Melee you have swords and axes and so on, Ranged is guns and bows...