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Search results for query: *

  1. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Yep. Azure is thinking about how much trouble pupper is. :P
  2. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  3. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  4. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    If it makes you feel better Azure doesn't have any clue who you or Mega's character are at all.
  5. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Okay. We'll head out to the Grey'd out thread. :P
  6. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Check my Rain tracker. It's the day after tomorrow. Aside from the stuff between the three of us? I want to say it's closer to being end of the night for bailey calling it.
  7. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    In my defense, I'm really really shit at pokemon.
  8. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Well. I have no idea.
  9. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Wave's Weather tracker Day 1 Sunny Day 2 Sunny Day 3 Sunny CURRENT DATE Day 4 RAIN~
  10. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Any money won? Also, second battle Tucker has won by glaring at the problem. Best pupper.
  11. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Anyone level from that battle Bailey
  12. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    I'm putting this here for reasons
  13. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Plots are going swimmingly. To quote Anon-chan. Hue hue hue.
  14. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Thus begins part one of Azure's plotting.
  15. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Eh, I guess I'm going to bed.
  16. Latewave

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)
    Threadmarks: Azure

    Name: Azure Gormin Age: 19 Bio: Now, just let me get this out. I did not get ran out of town by Gym Leader Koga. No one can prove that. I merely am taking my gap year out here in the motherland. I'm certainly not waiting on him to cool down before I go back home. I'm not afraid of him at all...