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  1. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  2. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    We can probably wrap up the night besides the final interaction between Azure and Kathleen about why she's been rude to him. Then dancing, naughtiness, and healing pokemon can all be handwaved as happening.
  3. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Been out of state for a few days. Sorry.
  4. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    I'm gonna hafta trade or stumble into another horse pokemon so anon and I can ride off into the sunset together.
  5. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Do I have evs or anything to account for in pokeshowdown?
  6. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    So besides training to 6 pre battle Brooke was alive for one KO and Cerise was awake for all four. So massive xp for Cerise and some for brooke. Am I right @BaileyMatutine ? For when I get back to edit my sheet.
  7. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Cerise is a fiyah goddess of ghosts. Big xp gain for her?
  8. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Anon did we win? Or are we waiting 5 hours til I get home from work to fight?
  9. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    So much happened last night, but must go werk, can't battle yet.
  10. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Then Anon and I will spend the evening getting to know one another, and playing with 'mons before sharing a room. Tomorrow we shall train and fite togefer!!
  11. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    I had intended a few battles for monies at some point with Anon against the other little trainers around, since we're broke. Waiting on Anon. Maybe 'tomorrow' would be fine.
  12. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Am at work. Am on phone. Was rushing earlier. Meant to take pokeballs.
  13. Skitzyfrenic

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)
    Threadmarks: Morgana

    Name: Morgana Marah Age: 16 Bio: Daughter of a small shipping company in Mistralton City, Morgana never really wanted for anything. But as small a city as Mistralton is, you get up to shenanigans, and Morgana is not naive to the ways of promiscuous boys or girls. Having also been a runner...