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Search results for query: *

  1. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  2. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  3. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  4. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  5. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Actually a female with big pecks, and all three egg moves instead of growl. Hasty is fine though. My mistake for not getting you info sooner. Somebody was disappointed that Gale Wings was not passed along by the mommy when daddy Crobat passed on the moves, so they dumped poor Feng-huan in...
  6. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Okay, the people who still have things to do today are all doing lewd things, to my recollection, and they're all waiting on each other, so here, have this link. https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/pokemon-greyed-out.3697/
  7. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    I can even boot that all over to the Greyed Out thread if it'll get things moving faster. Which is to say that's what I'll do when I'm ready to update.
  8. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Only if you hack b/w with a gameshark to make it show up in the wild, catch it "legally", and then use the 3DS app to to bring it forward.
  9. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    I looked on actual GTS to remind me of the kinds of trades that are really offered.
  10. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Tucker and Leonne each gain two levels, Brooke and Demeter each gain one. Brooke's Torrent gives her insight to how Storm Drain works. If Brooke pursues Chrome Training, she can change her ability.
  11. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    I'll update everyone properly in the morning. For now the puppybird trade finally went through and The Gym served a sampler platter for three.
  12. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  13. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  14. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  15. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Edited Yeah, Tucker went up two levels, and Bruce got a level too.
  16. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    My shitty memory. You're absolutely right. Please stand by. Thank you for catching that.
  17. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

  18. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Cerberus and Brooke each gain one level. Cerise gets THREE.
  19. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Updoot incoming.
  20. tEN

    Pokemon Grey Version (OOC)

    Can I get a soundoff on who's going to bed and wants an update for it to be tomorrow morning?