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  1. NavigatorNobilis

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    ... You know, mostly Cody just appears in the brief mention as 'that teammate Krouse & Accord sold off to the Yang-Ban' - but in a few brief sentences you have reminded us that the other Travellers were mostly okay with that, and given us a good idea why.
  2. NavigatorNobilis

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Basic pattern recognition?
  3. NavigatorNobilis

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    "Before enlightenment; read reports, sign orders. After enlightenment; read reports, sign orders." - Piggot, some point in the near future.
  4. NavigatorNobilis

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Well put. In Swedish, HALPING is called "björntjänst" (bear service), relating to actual help the same way a bear hug relates to actual hugs.
  5. NavigatorNobilis

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Tagg verb past tense: tagged; past participle: tagged. To provoke someone far more powerful and/or influential than oneself; to act belligerently, aggressively and/or insultingly against an unknown factor. "Sarge managed to tagg the only recruit with a black belt in Judo." synonyms: ask for it...
  6. NavigatorNobilis

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    This is awesome. Pure, undiluted hilarity, pouring into my twisted little heart like fine wine. You're a god of comedy, Ack.