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Search results for query: *

  1. Zatch P

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    No, that's Spitfire. Burnscar has high powered and very versatile pyrokinesis, can teleport through flames, and fire makes her go crazy. The more fire there is, the more she loses her impulse control and morals. This tends to build off of itself in a very bad way. She was in an asylum for capes...
  2. Zatch P

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    I don't know, Jack Slash seems like the one most likely to go after Taylor even after this. I guess he's the leader and therefore the one who ensures they avoid the places they might actually be stopped, so maybe he would be smart enough to just avoid her from then on. On the other hand, if he's...
  3. Zatch P

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    They don't always have a full nine. So there might be fewer left. And while the remaining ones might be a danger, they aren't any moreso than any other villains in the world now. Zach only cares if they're likely to hurt Taylor, not if they're capable of hurting her. If the others are the type...
  4. Zatch P

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    This seems much better. This is a perfectly reasonable reaction for Piggot to have considering what's going on. Thank you.
  5. Zatch P

    I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Kill orders are very hard to earn, and I don't think Piggot even has the power to just put one out herself (though I could easily be wrong). Even gang leaders like Lung, Kaiser, and Skidmark don't get them. It seems overkill for Piggot to consider one for a guy who has thus far only injured a...