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  1. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    If they wipe his memory totally, then they might as well kill him; there's no way he can go back to his job if he doesn't remember who he is.
  2. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Or that everyone knows what they're doing, if Taylor swings that way.
  3. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    More specifically, it will punch through a column of air weighing approximately as much as itself. Which, for a metal van, is many times its own length, but still not enough.
  4. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Hang on a minute. Mach 250 is 85.75 km/s. Earth escape velocity is only 11.186 km/s. How did he hit a target over the horizon?
  5. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Actually, the 9 had nothing to do with it. Faultline's crew raided the place in order to extract Ellie, a.k.a. Labyrinth, who also happened to be Mimi (Burnscar)'s only friend in there. The attack generated enough confusion for Burnscar to escape, and caused enough fire for her to want to.
  6. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Even without any actual error (in the sense of 'rule X should be replaced with rule Y') - it's the nature of using deontological rules instead of case-by-case analysis. They cannot cover every possible situation and variable, so there will always be times when a rule that works in the general...
  7. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Don't read too much into the 'innate virtue of the act' thing; I phrased it that way only to distinguish it from the ethics. My definition admits both consequentialist and virtue-based systems under the term 'morality'; the distinction is that it is concerned with an abstract concept of good and...
  8. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    As far as I can tell, almost everyone agrees there's a subtle but important difference between the two, but nobody can agree on what that difference is. Ethics, by my definition, are not quite the same as Utilitarianism. For one, the definition of help/harm isn't necessarily based off...
  9. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    The working definition of 'Ethics' and 'Morality' as I have always understood it is that 'Ethics' is concerned with whether an act is helpful or harmful, whereas 'Morality' is concerned with the innate virtue of the act. I.e. 'ethics' is is right vs. wrong, 'morality' is good vs. evil.
  10. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    No, that's ethics.
  11. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Most people I know have no trouble distinguishing that which is disgusting and that which is evil. Ask you average North American how they feel about eating insects, and they'll go 'EWWWWWWW!'. But most of them know that there are other cultures where bugs are a staple food, and they have no...