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  1. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Like I said in the other threads, with Dragon being the only player in town, she can push mankind to singularity without any tangible opposition. Also that update... man you really know how to strike at emotions.
  2. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Holy balls on a pogo stick, this was extremely emotional and you do Scion fights really well.
  3. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    That meeting is going to be really interesting.
  4. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Our dear boy will have a swing against Scion and it will be glorious to see.
  5. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    When he said Europe, I thought he would deal with Gesellschaft. But this one was good too.
  6. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    I think at this point "making Taylor happy" means preparing themselves for the time when that golden asshole's main body visits Bet.
  7. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Am I the only one imagining Piggot as the Doom Slayer?
  8. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    It warms my heart seeing Coil fucking over the worst of villains. Also I want to see Dragon creating her own version of Million Machine March. And God, Emily of all people needs some cathartic moment.
  9. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Zachary is pretty much one of my favorite types of heroes. Wholesome and dorkish for the good side. Creepy and dreadful for the evil side.
  10. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Are we sure our dear good boy is an Endbringer, and not the QA being materialized on Bet as Zachary?
  11. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    I am totally in love with the idea that this adorable boy is also a calculating chessmaster that scares the shit out of villains.
  12. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Why do I imagine that Simurgh gives headpats to Zach every time he does something good? Also Carol being truly responsible for once? Really good.
  13. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    I hope dear Zachary helps Amelia to get therapy that she desperately needs.
  14. I'm HALPING! [Worm AU fanfic]

    Why do I feel that at some point the whole Cauldron will gang up on Eidolon?