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Search results for query: *

  1. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    They say Canada (north of US), but then they go on to mention the states of Texas, Florida, and Georgia... which is lolz.
  2. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    But if someone hates your parents enough to do so after they die? Or they absolutely loathe you? It's an arbitrary thing that goes don't talk smack about dead people especially if the death was recent. It's kind of like when 9/11 happened, you don't talk smack about the event or the people...
  3. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    I'm going to lay it out as simple as possible. A person died. It doesn't matter if they're J Random Old Person or J Random Young Person or X Celebrity or Y Royalty. It doesn't matter because they're human and a person at the end of the day. It's BARE basic human human decency to not dump on...
  4. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    The phrase you're looking for is "too soon". In short, it's called having some human decency to not dump on someone who just died. It's not a very high bar.
  5. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    sauce Let's not go into the Kyle Rittenhouse mess no matter what your opinion is on what he did or the judgement rendered. This is a hot mess, no matter what, one which easily can and will go into Rule 8 territory.
  6. Biigoh

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  7. Biigoh

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  8. Biigoh

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  9. Biigoh

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    https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/01/coldest-air-front-years-advances-canada-190127092734198.html Stay warm you guys if you're east of the Rockies.
  10. Biigoh

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    It'd be the smart thing to do, yes.
  11. Biigoh

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    A green moon would be implausible... but... who knows... we might get a Green Mars in the future.
  12. Biigoh

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    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-46873526 And they got plants to grow there now...
  13. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    Looks like China just did a moon landing of their own. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46724727 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/02/world/asia/china-change-4-moon.html https://www.apnews.com/c4dc6858a32b4b61bdbc6aebf5459a91
  14. Biigoh

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    It was right after the event happened.
  15. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    One hopes... that no one from QQ is in that region... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-46663158
  16. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/national-cra-india-rcmp-scam-1.4883796 They nailed some of those bastards.
  17. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-45624436 That airport is... it's amazing.
  18. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

  19. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2018/08/08-1/so-im-a-spider-so-what-tv-anime-pv-has-8-legs-and-an-attitude That voice is... it's Aoi Yuki. :>
  20. Biigoh

    News and Headlines...

    Ingress by Niantic just got an anime... comes out next month