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Search results for query: *

  1. News and Headlines...

    It was the famous site where people flashed random people at back in 2009.
  2. News and Headlines...

    Here hoping that that turkey can recover after the earthquake.
  3. News and Headlines...

    I thought Sierra Mist was much older than that.
  4. News and Headlines...

    she was a apolitical figurehead for the uk. Most of what she did to affect change must by definition be very little for her to stay apolitical as queen of England.
  5. News and Headlines...

    I get why not to do it, people get mad and pissy at you and then usually on a forum you get ejected from a thread. Doing it in person is social suicide. Doesnt stop from some of the queen death jokes being funny. Edit: I am not sure how much more I can discuss this because I think I might be...
  6. News and Headlines...

    That wouldnt happen because Im a nobody and no one would hate me enough to bother. Regardless I dont personally do it myself because its a pointless attempt at being edgy that gets old when people stop pearl clutching after the persons been dead for a while. I just object in princible because it...
  7. News and Headlines...

    I don’t really understand that part unless we’re talking about a random nobody. If it’s a public figure, I really don’t get it why it matters. I don’t bother trying to do it anyway because of the infraction I’ll get and people stop caring in about a week.
  8. News and Headlines...

    He at best is unremarkable, at worst annoying and weird. on a different subject: I still find it annoying people get so mad at others criticizing someone after they die unless they despise them. Like, what unwriting waiting period rule is there about this sort of thing? There’s no...
  9. News and Headlines...

    I don’t think Charles will be that popular as king. But at least Andrew is not king.