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  1. Darrenb209

    News and Headlines...

    Has World of Tanks ever had a leak? I'm only aware of the half-dozen Warthunder leaks.
  2. Darrenb209

    News and Headlines...

    Between that and another bank, crypto also lost 70 billion in the last 24 hours.
  3. Darrenb209

    News and Headlines...

    I wouldn't mind people criticising her if they were actually criticising her and not just being opportunistic arses who waited until she was dead to find the "courage". But none of the criticism I've seen is actually fairly aimed at her. She is not responsible for Andrew's actions, nor does...
  4. Darrenb209

    News and Headlines...

    Public figures are people too, with families who care about them and who would appreciate it just as much as a random stranger if idiots on the internet could extend basic human decency. You don't have to like it. You don't have to agree that it's necessary, but the reasoning behind it is...
  5. Darrenb209

    News and Headlines...

    Technically, the appropriate phrase is "Long Live the King" now. Well, unless you're backing Princess Anne and are intending to cause a succession crisis.